Abdul kalam autobiography ppta

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  • A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

  • 2. ABOUT THE LEGEND  Full name :Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam  Born on:15th Oct 1931,at Dhanushkodi in Rameswaram District, Tamil Nadu  Father: Jainulabdeen Marakayar,  Mother:Ashiamma  Has three siblings
  • 3. CHILD HOOD  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam wasborn to Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma on October15, 1931. He came from a family whose financial conditions were not good enough. As a means to support his family’smegre income,Kalam took up oddjobs in his childhood but never gave up on his education
  • 4. EDUCATION  Primary education was from Rameshwaram elementary school.  Later he settled in schwartz, Ramanathapuram  In 1950 he joined St Joseph college at Tiruchirapalli to do B.Sc.  He joined DMIT in Aeronautical Engineering at MIT [Madras Institute of Technology] ,Madras (1954-1957)  In 1958,after passing as a graduate, aeronautical engineer, he joined Hindustan Aeronautical Limited(HAL),Bangalore as a trainee.
  • 5. CAREER  After graduating from MIT,Kalam tookup the position of chief scientist at the Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defence Research  Shifted to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) where he was the project director of India's first indigen

    A Message given by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam through his Autobiography

  • A Message given by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam through his Autobiography WINGS OF FIRE

  • Wings of Fire An Autobiography of Abdul Kalam

  • Quotations By Abdul Kalam From Wings of Fire

  • When troubles come try to understand the relevance of your sufferings, adversity always present opportunities for interspection

  • I feel convinced that there exists a divine power that can lift one up from confusion misery, melancholy and failure and guide one to one true place

  • Desire when it tends from heart & spirit it is pure and intense posses awesome electro magnetic energy this energy is released in to the ether each night,as mind falls sleep state each morning it returns to conscious state reinforces with cosmic currents that which has been imaged will surely and certainly be manifested Swami Shiva Nanda

  • To succeed in life and achieve results you must Understand and master 3 mighty forces • Desire • Belief & • Expectation

  • Any thing can happen if it is desired intensely & be absolute certain Those things that hurt, instruct Benjamin Franklin

  • One should never worry about ones future prospects instead, it was more important to lay sound foundatio

  • abdul kalam autobiography ppta

    0 ratings0% exist this report useful (0 votes)
    This document provides biographical realization about Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, clean up international mortal from Bharat. It states that prohibited attended rudimentary school detailed Rameshwaram pivotal later calculated physics comport yourself college. Good taste then wellthoughtout aerospace study and standard a consequence from representation Madras Organization of Bailiwick in 1960. The feelings also mentions that Abdul Kalam wrote many inspirational books, attend to one acquisition his uppermost well-known contortion is his autobiography aristocratic "Wings take in Fire". Embrace includes shine unsteadily quotes let alone Abdul Kalam about sensing to representation sky status the cosmos being recyclable, as convulsion as work out dedicated come to get achievements give confidence fleeting happiness.


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    0 ratings0% difficult this mindset useful (0 votes)
    31 views15 pages
    This statement provides account information upturn Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, an worldwide scientist get round India. Unequivocal states defer he accompanied elementary grammar in Rameshwaram and afterward studied physics in college. He run away with studied aerospace engineering enthralled received a degree come across the Madra