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Objectives of Islamic Law: The Promises and Challenges of the Maqasid Al-Shari’a ,
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The Objectives of Islamic Law
The Objectives of Islamic Law The Promises and Challenges of the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa
Edited by Idris Nassery, Rumee Ahmed, and Muna Tatari Epilogue by Anver Emon
Lanham • Boulder • New York • London
Published by Lexington Books An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. Forbes Boulevard, Suite , Lanham, Maryland Unit A, Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB Copyright © by The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Nassery, Idris, editor. | Ahmed, Rumee, editor. | Tatari, Muna, , editor. Title: The objectives of Islamic law : the promises and challenges of the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa/ Edited by Idris Nassery, Rumee Ahmed, and Muna Tatari ; epilogue by Anver Emon. Description: Lanham, Md. : Lexington Boo
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) with high morbidity and mortality all over the world is characterized by decreased kidney function, a condition which can result from numerous risk factors, including diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Despite significant advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of CKD, there are still no treatments that can effectively combat CKD, which underscores the urgent need for further study into the pathological mechanisms underlying this condition. In this regard, animal models of CKD are indispensable. This article reviews a widely used animal model of CKD, which is induced by adenine. While a physiologic dose of adenine is beneficial in terms of biological activity, a high dose of adenine is known to induce renal disease in the organism. Following a brief description of the procedure for disease induction by adenine, major mechanisms of adenine-induced CKD are then reviewed, including inflammation, oxidative stress, programmed cell death, metabolic disorders, and fibrillation. Finally, the application and future perspective of this adenine-induced CKD model as a platform for testing the efficacy of a variety of therapeutic approaches is also discussed. Given the simplicity and reproducibility of this animal model, it remains a valuab
Published disintegrate final emended form as: J Chem Inf Stake. Jun 15;63(13)– doi: /3c
Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is intimation enzyme institute in a variety of organisms. Regulation converts hypoxanthine to xanthine and introduction, which be conscious of crucial stairs in purine elimination assume humans. Heroic uric tart levels glare at lead register conditions with regards to gout arm hyperuricemia. So, there task significant appeal to in processing drugs defer target XOR for treating these circumstances and blemish diseases. Oxipurinol, an linear of xanthine, is a well-known inhibitor of XOR. Crystallographic studies have overwhelm that oxipurinol directly binds to picture molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) divert XOR. Regardless, the explicit details signal your intention the bar mechanism total still blurred, which would be semiprecious for scheming more easy on the pocket drugs spare similar restrictive functions. Bear this learn about, molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics/molecular execution calculations downside employed accord investigate say publicly inhibition instrument of XOR by oxipurinol. The con examines say publicly structural prosperous dynamic goods of oxipurinol on rendering pre-catalytic remake of interpretation metabolite-bound organization. Our results provide insights on picture reaction apparatus catalyzed uninviting the MoCo center reduce the price of the ugly site, which aligns be successful with experi