An den schwankenden di bertolt brecht biography
The Radio Transcending Boundaries and Historical Narratives in Lutz Seiler’s Poetry and in his Novel Kruso
The radio plays an important role in Lutz Seiler’s writing, both in his poetry and in his fiction. By transmitting signals which have to be deciphered, the radio contributes to the creation of a poetic echoing space which allows for different modes of perception and memory, for the crossing of boundaries on different levels, not least those set by historical narratives. As a somewhat anachronistic medium and an everyday object in a state of decay, the radio becomes a symbol of a time and place in the process of disintegration, as well as a medium of memory of what has disappeared. This includes the childhood landscapes in Seiler’s early collections of poems and the Klausner community in his novel Kruso, published in 2014. Both, in turn, point to the silent disintegration of the GDR as a childhood world, a society and a state, and, by extension, to the falling apart of the world of the Cold War and its narratives. This paper will explore the different functions of the radio in Seiler’s work.
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Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe
Savage, Robert. "Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe". Hölderlin after the Catastrophe: Heidegger -- Adorno -- Brecht, Boydell and Brewer: Boydell and Brewer, 2008, pp. 1-31.
Savage, R. (2008). Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe. In Hölderlin after the Catastrophe: Heidegger -- Adorno -- Brecht (pp. 1-31). Boydell and Brewer: Boydell and Brewer.
Savage, R. 2008. Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe. Hölderlin after the Catastrophe: Heidegger -- Adorno -- Brecht. Boydell and Brewer: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 1-31.
Savage, Robert. "Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe" In Hölderlin after the Catastrophe: Heidegger -- Adorno -- Brecht, 1-31. Boydell and Brewer: Boydell and Brewer, 2008.
Savage R. Introduction: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe. In: Hölderlin after the Catastrophe: Heidegger -- Adorno -- Brecht. Boydell and Brewer: Boydell and Brewer; 2008. p.1-31.
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