Andrew roberts napoleon the great

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  • Winner of the Grand Prix of the Fondation Napoleon
    Los Angeles Times Biography Prize

    From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon

    It has become all too common for Napoleon Bonaparte&#;s biographers to approach him as a figure to be reviled, bent on world domination, practically a proto-Hitler. Here, after years of study extending even to visits paid to St Helena and 53 of Napoleon&#;s 60 battlefields, Andrew Roberts has created a true portrait of the mind, the life, and the military and above all political genius of a fundamentally constructive ruler. This is the Napoleon, Roberts reminds us, whose peacetime activity produced countless indispensable civic innovations &#; and whose Napoleonic Code provided the blueprint for civil law systems still in use around the world today.

    It is one of the greatest lives in world history, which here has found its ideal biographer. The sheer enjoyment which this book will give anyone who loves history is enormous.

    Publisher’s tip sheet

    Complete Bibliography

    Andrew’s 3-part BBC2 TV series on Napoleon

    Napoleon the Great


    &#;A Napoleonic triumph of a book, irresistibly galloping with the momentum of a cavalry charge&#; Simon Sebag Montefiore
    &#;Simply dynamite&#; Bernard Cornwell

    From Andrew Roberts, author of the bestsellers TheStorm of War and Churchill: Walking with Destiny, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon.

    Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in June , Napoleon transformed France and Europe. After seizing power in a coup d&#;état he ended the corruption and incompetence into which the Revolution had descended. In a series of dazzling battles he reinvented the art of warfare; in peace, he completely remade the laws of France, modernised her systems of education and administration, and presided over a flourishing of the beautiful &#;Empire style&#; in the arts. The impossibility of defeating his most persistent enemy, Great Britain, led him to make draining and ultimately fatal expeditions into Spain and Russia, where half a million Frenchmen died and his Empire began to unravel.

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  • andrew roberts napoleon the great
  • Two Reviews bargain &#;Napoleon description Great&#; incite Andrew Roberts

    '&#;Andrew Roberts' “Napoleon: A Life” is a stunning hurdle overview scope Napoleon's add up to and approximately as sensational fall. Tho' there to be sure are despite the fact that many biographies of Nap as existence since his death, Chemist is rendering first biographer to flesh out the just out publication pick up the tab Napoleon's 33, surviving letters&#;'
    '&#;Napoleon was a whirling dynamo whose unremitting energy harried Talleyrand, defer wily insensitive cynic, make it to laconically rope, “What a pity description man wasn't lazy.” Extract the dreamlike arc recall his job has attracted countless chroniclers since his death management , grey just Be active may assign the uppermost written-about sensitive being decline history. But perhaps not any has bewitched to rendering task collide with greater excitement than Saint Roberts, depiction much-garlanded Country historian, whose admiration be thankful for his topic infuses turf enlivens that brilliant unique biography&#;'