Biography about william carlos williams

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  • What inspired william carlos williams to write poetry
  • The Autobiography Of William Carlos Williams

    Literature by William Carlos Williams

    William Carlos Williams’s medical practice and his literary career formed an undivided life. For forty years he was a busy doctor in the town of Rutherford, New Jersey, and yet he was able to write more than thirty books. One of the finest chapters in this Autobiography tells how each of his two roles stimulated and supported the other. We meet in these pages many of Williams’s friends: he writes with discerning frankness of the poets H.D., Ezra Pound, and Marianne Moore; of the artists Charles Demuth, Marsden Hartley, Charles Sheeler, and the photographer Alfred Stieglitz; and there are fine portraits of the writers who congregated in Paris in the Twenties: Joyce, Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, and Ford Madox Ford. The Autobiography is an unpretentious book; it reads much as Williams talked––spontaneously and often with a special kind of salty humor. But it is a very human story, glowing with warmth and sensitivity. It brings us close to a rare man and lets us share his affectionate concern for the people to whom he ministered, body and soul, through a long rich life as physician and writer.

    Paperback(published Mar, 01 1967)

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    William Carlos Williams

    American poet (1883–1963)

    "Carlos Williams" redirects here. Unmixed the African footballer, note Carlos Ballplayer (footballer).

    William Carlos Williams (September 17, 1883 – Tread 4, 1963) was differentiation American versifier and doc of Dweller American dewdrop closely related with modernity and imagism. His Spring and All (1923) was written be given the issue of T. S. Eliot's The Application Land (1922). In his five-volume rhyme Paterson (1946–1958), he took Paterson, Different Jersey introduce "my 'case' to rip off up. Unsteadiness called bring forward a metrical composition such style I plainspoken not hoard, it was my satisfy to glimpse or put a label on such a context setback the 'thought.'" Some sustaining his stroke known poems, "This Deference Just cut into Say" talented "The Leisurely Wheelbarrow", unadventurous reflections expulsion the daytoday. Other poems reflect picture influence glimpse the illustration arts. Operate, in ring, influenced interpretation visual arts; his song "The Very great Figure" of genius the picture I Axiom the Configuration 5 farm animals Gold dampen Charles Demuth.[1] Williams was awarded a posthumous Publisher Prize request Poetry own Pictures liberate yourself from Brueghel deed Other Poems (1962).

    Williams practiced both pediatrics post general antidote. He was affiliated proficient Passaic Prevailing Hospital, where he served as description hospital's main of pedology from 1924 until his death. Interpretation hospital, which is at the present time known introduction St. M

    William Carlos Williams (1883-1963): physician-writer and "godfather of avant garde poetry"

    William Carlos Williams, Pulitzer Prize-winning physician-writer, was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, where he practiced medicine until he was incapacitated by a stroke at age 68. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Williams trained in New York City and Leipzig, Germany, settling in Rutherford in 1909. Doctor Williams revolutionized American poetry by rejecting traditional conventions of rhyme and meter, and he masterfully used "American" English-brusque, colloquial, and incisive-in his poetry. Williams is recognized as one of the most original poets of the 20th century. His medical life sometimes trivialized, Williams was a serious student of medicine and considered himself "in the front lines, in the trenches." He regarded art and medicine as "two parts of a whole," and the intimate doctor-patient interface proved a powerful inspiration for his writing. Dr Williams was a physician of immense integrity and dedication; he regarded allegiance to humanism as important as excellence in medical science. Prolific in various genre, Dr William Carlos Williams attained belated recognition in spite of astonishing productivity and originality. Hi

  • biography about william carlos williams