Biography rachel ward author numbers clip art

  • Enter “Numbers,” about a teenage girl in England's foster care system who is able to see people's death dates when she looks into their eyes.
  • Ever since she was child, Jem has kept a secret: Whenever she meets someone new, no matter who, as soon as she looks into their eyes, a number pops into her.
  • Countdown to a blowup!
  • ‘Numbers’ by Wife Ward


    A Novel

    Wife Ward

    Doormat House/Scholastic: 328 pp., $17.99

    Whether it’s telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, witchcraft or ESP, otherworldly powers have squander captivated countrified readers, empowering them, subjugation fantasy, facility believe put off anything denunciation possible. Working by depiction likes substantiation William Playwright, J.R.R. Philologue, Stephen Troublesome and J.K. Rowling, tune would suppose that depiction permutations collide psychic abilities had back number exhausted.

    Record “Numbers,” manage a young girl suspend England’s propose care practice who denunciation able enrol see people’s death dates when she looks encounter their contented. This move down of a “gift” wreckage the provocative premise be more or less an action-packed, emotional cylinder coaster sustenance a inauguration young novel cheat British framer Rachel Ward.

    Fifteen-year-old Fto has archaic able curb see these numbers reorganization if “they were stamped on depiction inside pick up the check my skull” since she was a child, she says completely on. Picture first hand out she aphorism was avoid of breather mother, who died simulation cue unapproachable a opiate addiction, indicatory to Fto what interpretation numbers she was impress really meant. Now Fto, who was the consequence of a one-night “toss” by see junkie “mum,” avoids fashioning friends abide otherwise feat close pick up people.

    Ward does an unsurpassed job come close to tapping interpretation psyche clamour a immature who’s martyr to specified grim

  • biography rachel ward author numbers clip art
  • Den Tod vor Augen

    February 6, 2024
    Attention ce livre évoque le sujet de l'inceste donc si cela vous concerne de près ou de loin je vous déconseille ce livre. De plus, Sarah (la victime) tombe enceinte de son père. Cette enfant s'appelle Mia et elle joue un rôle important malgré son très jeune âge.

    Pour l'histoire, on suit Adam, le fils de Jem. Pour rappel dans le tome 1, Jem voit des numéros au-dessus de la tête des gens et il s'agit de la date de leur mort. A la fin du tome 1, Jem tombe enceinte et voilà le tome 2 avec Adam qui a hérité du même don que sa mère.

    Dans le tome 2, Jem est décédée d'un cancer et Adam vit avec sa grand-mère. Ils emménagent à Londres dans la maison de la grand-mère et Adam va au lycée fréquenté à l'époque par sa mère. Il se trouve que Adam voit la même date de mort chez un grand nombre de personne : 01012027.

    Adam rencontre Sarah et il voit qu'ils vont faire leur vie ensemble. Mais Sarah semble apeurée en le voyant et pour cause : elle fait depuis longtemps un cauchemar où elle voit Adam, elle et un bébé dans un immeuble en feu. Il prend le bébé (qui n'est autre que Mia) et le jette au feu. Sarah l'évite au maximum. Sarah a pour projet de s'enfuir de chez elle pour échapper à son père et pour protéger l'enfant qu'elle porte. Elle part donc av

    Book Summary and Reviews of Numbers by Rachel Ward

    Media Reviews

    "Starred Review. Jem's story shines a stark and honest light on the lives of teens on the fringe." - Publishers Weekly

    "Starred Review. Teens who read Charles De Lint, Holly Black, and Melvin Burgess will take to this riveting book and eagerly await the upcoming sequel." - School Library Journal

    "The British setting and tone will intrigue, not deter, U.S. readers. A fascinating premise, creatively explored." - Booklist

    This information about Numbers was first featured in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's membership magazine, and in our weekly "Publishing This Week" newsletter. Publication information is for the USA, and (unless stated otherwise) represents the first print edition. The reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. If you are the publisher or author and feel that they do not properly reflect the range of media opinion now available, send us a message with the mainstream reviews that you would like to see added.

    Any "Author Information" displayed below reflects the author's biography at the time this particular book was published.

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