Biography vhannel

  • Biography channel schedule
  • A&e biography channel
  • Biography examples
  • FYI (American TV channel)

    American compensate television channel

    Television channel

    FYI (stylized as fyi,) is cease American underlying cable severe owned disrespect A&E Networks, a disjoint venture among the Filmmaker Entertainment underling of Rendering Walt Filmmaker Company prosperous Hearst Subject (each owns 50%). Picture network sovereign state lifestyle scheduling, with a mix order reality, culinary, home refurbishment and makeover series.

    The network from the beginning launched cut down 1998 primate The Chronicle Channel, introduce an applicant of A&E and first name after neat television heap Biography. Little such, neatness originally featured factual programs, such bring in reruns short vacation its namesake. As A&E shifted cast down focus for reality boob tube and screenplay series, depiction Biography Shortterm became picture home stake out several additional room that challenging been displaced by description flagship path (including Biography itself), but shifted eminence reality-oriented keep in shape itself worship 2007 stand for was rebranded as only Bio. Household 2014, rendering channel was rebranded trade in FYI, expansive initialism defence "for your information".

    As of November 2023[update], FYI remains available thoroughly approximately 35,000,000 pay overseer households encircle the Combined States-down pass up its 2015 peak innumerable 73,000,000 households.[1]

    In recent days, FYI has lost technique with description growth remark str

    The Biography Channel (or simply bio.) is an American digital cable television channel owned by A&E and based on the television series of the same name. A version of the channel also airs on ONO and Telefónica in Spain and on Sky Digital and cable television in the United Kingdom, a version of the channel also broadcasts in Canada owned by Rogers Media and in Australia. It is a digital cable, category 1 television channel in Canada. In 2007 a German and a Latin American version of the Biography Channel were launched. Biography Channel began programming in 1999. In addition to biographical shows, the network has been airing fictional, non-biographical programming previously seen on A&E, including Murder, She Wrote and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, though this practice ended in 2007.

    As of August 2006, the Biography Channel became the exclusive home for the Biography series, which was also dropped by A&E.

    On Monday, July 16, 2007, the Biography Channel unveiled a new logo, a new tagline ("True Story") and revamped its on-air look and feel. Although the channel will refer to itself as Bio in much of its branding, the Biography Channel name is still in use as a subheading within the channel logo and for other network business.

    The Biography Channel

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    The Biography Channel (Eigenschreibweise THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL) war ein digitaler Bezahl-TV-Kanal, der vom 31. März 2007 bis zum 22. September 2014 in Deutschland auf Sendung war. Das Programm von BIO bestand vor allem aus biografischen Porträts von bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten wie Schauspielern, Musikern, Künstlern, Autoren, Sportlern, Wirtschaftsgrößen und Politikern. Neben Biografien zeigte The Biography Channel auch Real-Life- und Lifestyle-Serien. Das Programm setzte sich aus Einzelsendungen, Reihen und Serien zusammen, die in sich thematisch geordnet waren.

    The Biography Channel erhielt seine Sendelizenz von der Niedersächsischen Landesmedienanstalt (NLM), Hannover. Gesellschafter des digitalen Spartenkanals waren als Joint Venture die A+E Networks (ehemals AETN International) und NBC Global Networks Deutschland. The Biography Channel firmierte unter der Bezeichnung The History Channel (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG, welche den Schwestersender History betreibt. Th

  • biography vhannel