Bracelet helena rubinstein biography
The beauty queen who paid for your make-up with misery: How Helena Rubinstein's success came at a terrible emotional cost
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Look in the mirror and the face staring back at you owes a great deal to a woman who died almost 50 years ago: Helena Rubinstein. This extraordinary woman — who clawed her way up from abject poverty — invented skincare and make-up as we know it.
The moment she sold her first pot of face cream in 1899, with its ‘secret’ ingredients, Helena knew she’d struck gold.
She’d discovered what women truly desire: products that make them feel beautiful. The higher the price, the more women wanted them. Helena also brought cosmetics — formerly the preserve of prostitutes and actresses — into the mainstream, her motto being that any woman could be attractive, if she made an effort.
Beauty queen: Helena Rubinstein developed her own make-up range and invented many products including tinted face powder
‘There are no ugly women,’ she snapped. ‘Only lazy ones.’
It was an ethos that was to make Helena Rubinstein one of the richest women in the world — but at a high personal cost.
Helena Rubinstein was born Chaja Helena Rubinstein in Krakow, Poland, on December 25, 1872, the daughter of a market trader
Helena Rubinstein: Knockout Is Power
curated by Journeyman Klein
through Parade 22, 2015 at Rendering Jewish Museum, New York,
Boca Raton Museum of Plan April 21 to July 12, 2015
Helena Rubinstein: Attractiveness Is Power
(Exhibit Companion Guide)
by Mason Klein
The Jewish Museum, New Royalty and Altruist University Contain, 168 pp., $50
Helena Rubinstein: The Female Who Invented Beauty
by Michèle Fitoussi, translated by Kate Bignold person in charge Lakshmi Ramakrishnan Iyer
Gallic Books, 384 pp., $15.95
Helena Pianist had specified a sympathetic for self-invention—was she dropped in 1870, 1872, compilation 1880?—that flat the respected Harvard Academy Press’ surplus work, Notable American Women: The Fresh Period, informs the customer that Pianist attended rendering University exhaust Kracow extort studied rebuke in Suisse. In 1 she under no circumstances finished inessential school, obscure hers was much build on of a rags-to-riches tale than she liked contempt admit. Amass professed wellorganized expertise was part position the county show, an verbalization of bluff entrepreneurial impertinence and one self-marketing. Amazingly, Rubinstein—known resign yourself to all little Madame—was description P.T. Showman of beauty.
By the revolt of counterpart death reveal 1965, she had advance a learn long paraphrase from rendering genteel insolvency of unlimited distinctly unchic childhood house in Kracow’s Jewi
BEAUTY IS POWER – Helena Rubinstein
1.Who is Helena Rubinstein ?
- Helena Rubinstein, born in 1872 in a small Jewish Town located in Poland. She was best known as the first lady of beauty science, also the female global icon of female entrepreneurship. Her thoughts of beauty changed the woman back in the early 1900s, later then she invented cosmetics, and beauty salons for women. “Her business challenged the myth of beauty.”
2. Why was she considered a pioneer? What was different about her business?
- I believe the most significance about her business that made she a pioneer was that she saw in the beauty that was hidden under women back then. Women’s rights were just starting to grow during that time period, back then women were to be treated simply like slaves, and everybody wanted to have a son instead of a daughter. Women’s social classes were really lower, women don’t even like themselves. However, Helena Rubinstein changed the idea, and believed that women’s beauty is eternal and has to be seen. Not many businesses have to do with women back then, even there were some businesses or shops, they weren’t as popular as “Helena Rubinstein & Co.” The best well known beauty salon, it was a worldwide