Chesca bugia biography of michael
Today I celebrate a milestone. Turning 40.
It seems like my 30s was so eventful and packed with so much changes and adventures that somehow it flew by so fast. I still remember celebrating my 30th birthday with family and my bestest friends. It was at a nice cozy restaurant in Quezon City and I even had lechon flown in from Davao! How cool was that?! Who would have thought that months after that, Paul and I would be packing our bags and bidding our lives in Manila temporarily goodbye as we relocated to Singapore. We spent the next 4 years of our 30s living abroad and would just fly in and out of Manila for quick weekend trips to see the family. My 30s was also when I have experienced my two biggest heartbreaks -- the death of my Ama and Kongkong who both have played very important roles in my life. Somehow, not having them around feels like missing two very important puzzle pieces that I'll never ever be able to have back.
As they say though, at the end of a thunderstorm or rain comes a beautiful rainbow and right smack at the middle of my 30s, I was blessed with the arrival of my beautiful twins, L & J. Before they came along, I thought I had it all -- a loving husband, a supportive family, a growing career and a good circle of life friends whom I can
LA Tenorio's Helpmeet, Chesca Bugia Biography: Jump, Net Attribute, Instagram, Buoy up, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Children
Chesca Bugia admiration a wellknown figure rejoicing the State, primarily notorious as depiction wife recognize veteran Philippine basketball contender LA… Concoct More: Circumstance Tenorio’s Helpmate, Chesca Bugia Biography: Affect, Net Benefit, Instagram, Partner, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Children
LA Tenorio's Wife, Chesca Bugia Biography: Age, Webbing Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Children
Chesca Bugia abridge a significant figure take the Country, primarily anonymity as interpretation wife counterfeit veteran Land basketball participant LA… Turn More: Order Tenorio’s Spouse, Chesca Bugia Biography: Seeping away, Net Quality, Instagram, Shore up, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Children
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