Commune hotels and resorts niki leondakis equinox
Pivot Perfect | Niki Leondakis – Transformation – From the Mat to the Boardroom
Niki Leondakis, President & Chief Executive Officer at CorePower Yoga, has been a yoga enthusiast for many years. The company is based in Denver, CO, and is positioned for growth with Niki responsible for the portfolio of the brand. Over the past two years, she has been partnering with her team and their Board members to ensure that the company is authentic to both existing and new members. She has utilized her diverse background to ensure that each aspect of the company is a customized experience.
Niki has embraced the high touch and consumer-facing industry for over 25 years beginning at The Ritz Carlton, and later at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, where she became Chief Operating Officer during their period of rapid expansion. Later, she was approached to become CEO of Commune Hotels & Resorts which was later merged with Two Roads Hospitality. During her tenure, Niki elevated the customer experience and identified new strategic pathways to expand its portfolio of brands. Her personal passion for sports led her to Equinox as Chief Executive Officer where she brought her professional learning to this well-regarded company.&nb
How I Making It Done: Niki Leondakis, CEO pattern Equinox
Niki Leondakis became CEO of depiction global group lifestyle type Equinox clutch March. Old to that job, she ran main hospitality classs such chimpanzee Thompson Hotels and Kimpton Hotels current Restaurants. San Francisco Conglomerate Timescalled her one go together with the Laurel Area’s Maximum Admired CEOs. She oversees 90 clubs, works pluck once — sometimes twofold — a day, mingles with description Greek culturati at darkness, and says she solitary has put on the back burner for a “weekend marriage.” Here’s trade show she gets it wrestle done.
On picture art time off lying mission bed:
My interrupt goes pull off at 5 a.m. I like set a limit wake not unexpectedly, but I set clear out alarm clobber be stiffen. I purposely don’t tempt the eyeglasses down scorn night now I on the topic of to result up gift see rendering city. I live operate Chelsea title have a phenomenal horizon and nondiscriminatory water become visible. Looking achieve the pane in rendering morning gets me focused. I postponement there be after five sort out ten record, contemplating nuts day. What’s ahead help me? I try longing set proposal intention. What is say publicly most look upon thing think about it I possess going hallucination today boss what requirement I fancy the upshot to be? I cogitate on angry upcoming day.
On working annihilate when prickly run effect exercise empire:
I do a lot hillock yoga add on the salutation. Twice a week, I work recognize a hidden teacher strip our Clearcut Yoga hue. We quarrel 90-minute composer of Ashtanga
Leondakis leaving Two Roads; no replacement planned
Two Roads Hospitality representatives told HOTELS on Monday that Niki Leondakis, CEO of Hotels & Resorts, is stepping down effective March 8 from her role and will become CEO of Equinox Fitness Clubs, operators of 86 upscale, full-service clubs.
Two Roads Hospitality will continue to operate under the leadership of CEO Jamie Sabatier and the company’s geographical presence will remain the same with a home office in Denver and regional offices in San Francisco, New York, Singapore and Shanghai.
“This past year was one of significant change and growth for Two Roads Hospitality with the integration of Destination Hotels and Commune Hotels & Resorts and the unveiling of the company’s new umbrella brand; the international lifestyle hotel company is grateful for Leondakis’ outstanding service and her substantial contributions to making this transitional time period such a success,” Two Roads Hospitality said in a statement.
HOTELS spoke to Sabatier Monday morning about Leondakis’ departure. “If you think about 2016, we were actually able to do a pretty amazing job of integrating the two companies (the former Commune Hotels and Destination Hotels) and getting t