Cyberbass major works haydn biography
Rehearsal Tracks and Recordings
Learn by listening to the whole work
Some of the tracks below are recordings on YouTube. You can learn the work by listening to it as many times as you can.
Learn your part using a rehearsal track for your voice part
Others are rehearsal tracks from Cyberbass, a collection of choral scores converted to MIDI format to play back on your computer. You can’t download the files, which are designed to enable you to practise your voice part while sat at your computer with your score in front of you. The sound isn’t beautiful, there’s no accompaniment and dynamics aren’t used – it’s a simple note bashing site. However, it is digitally precise in pitch and rhythm, and very helpfully you can slow the music down for difficult sections – perfect for difficult music.
Behold O God Our Defender – YouTube
Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened – You Tube
Come Holy Ghost – YouTube
Jubilate Deo in E-Flat Major – YouTube
I Will Not Leave You Comfortless – YouTube
O Hearken Thou – YouTube
Requiem – Cyberbass
Jubilate Deo – YouTube
Vexilla Regis – YouTu
Rehearsal Aids
For learning parts:
Summertown Choral Society subscribes to the John Fletcher music website, which provides rehearsal files in a variety of formats to help singers learn their parts. New SCS members are automatically registered for the site and then receive an automated invitation to join it. You use your email address as your username and then set your own password. We now have our own page on the site, so once you have logged in, you type ‘summertown’ in the search box on the right, click on the ‘Summertown Choral Society’ banner that then appears on the left and our page will open up with all the music needed for our next concert listed. If you forget your password, you can reset it. If you encounter problems, or if you previously opted out and would now like to use the site, please contact our Membership Secretary at
The John Fletcher site allows you to single out your voice part (just the notes, but not the words), as well as to hear all voice parts together. It also allows some control over the speed. The site has the advantage of having together in one place all the music we will be singing at a concert, whereas other sites may not cover less well-known pieces.
Other rehearsal • Tuesday 7th January Cancelled payable to climate ailing conditions Tuesday Ordinal January 1. Haydn – pp. 2-19 (Kyrie) and pp. 149-171 (Agnus Dei) Tuesday Twentyone January 1. Haydn – pp. 21-31 (Gloria) and 37-47 (Gratias) Tuesday Xxviii January 1. Haydn – pp. 122-142 (Benedictus) and 115-121 (Sanctus) Tuesday 4th February 1. Haydn pp. 48-66 (Gloria) Tuesday 11th February 1. Haydn pp. 67-83 come to rest 86-91 (Credo) Tuesday Ordinal February 1. Haydn – pp. 91-114 (Credo) Tuesday 25th February Mozart: pp. 12-17 Gloria; pp. 28-29 Gratias; pp. 36-45 Qui Tollis
April 2025 Rehearsals
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart – pp. 1-11 (Kyrie) deed pp. 12-17 (Gloria)
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart – pp. 28-29 tell pp. 36-45 (Gloria)
3. General review on onetime weeks gratuitous
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart – pp. 56-69 (Gloria)
3. Common recap renovate previous weeks work
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart pp. 70-83 (Credo)
3. General recap answer previous weeks work.
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart – pp. 92-103 (Sanctus) contemporary pp. 120-122 (Agnus Dei)
3. General review on past weeks bradawl.
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church
2. Mozart – pp. 56-69 (Gloria)
Common recap be pleased about previous weeks work.
7:30 p.m.
Mannofield Church