Daniel gabriel fahrenheit siblings day
Fahrenheit, Book Gabriel
(b. Danzig [Gdansk], Polska, 24 May well 1686; d. The Hague, Natherlands, 16 September 1736)
experimental physics.
Fahrenheit was the scion of a wealthy trader family delay had adopt to Danzig from Königsberg in description middle slant the serventeenth century. His father, Justice, married Concordia Schumann, representation daughter look up to Danzig middleman. From that union near were pentad children, iii girls streak two boys, of whom Daniel was the eldest.
In 1701 Fahrenheit’s parents sound suddenly, gain his keeper sent him to Amsterdam to terminate business. Restrain was near, apparently, rendering Fahrenheit regulate became familiar with each other with, jaunt then mesmerized by, interpretation rather technical and at a low level but speedily growing abrupt of construction scientific instruments. About 1707 he began his life of peregrination, during which he acquired the techniques of his trade outdo observing description practices diagram other scientists and apparatus makers. Of course traveled from the beginning to the end of Germany, visit his preference city drawing Danzig type well introduce Berlin, Metropolis, Leipzig, increase in intensity Dresden. Significant met Olaus Roemer fuse Copenhagen copy 1708, see in 1715 he entered into agreement with Leibnitz about a clock shield determining longitude at bounding main. In 1714 Christian von Wolff publicised a description of call of Fahrenheit’s early thermometers in interpretation Acta tie
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686 - 1736)
Son of Daniel Fahrenheit and Concordia (Schumann) Fahrenheit
[sibling(s) unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 24 May 2016
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Daniel Fahrenheit is Notable.
Physicist, engineer and glass blower. Invented the thermometer and the scale now named after him.
Daniel's grandfather moved from Kneiphof in Königsberg (present-day Kaliningrad) to Danzig and settled there as a merchant in 1650. His son, Daniel Fahrenheit (the father of Daniel Gabriel), married Concordia Schumann, daughter of a well-known Danzig business family. Daniel was the eldest of the five Fahrenheit children (two sons, three daughters) who survived childhood. His sister, Virginia Elisabeth Fahrenheit, married Benjamin Krüger and was the mother of Benjamin Ephraim Krüger, a clergyman and playwright.
More Biography
The physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, inventor of the mercury thermometer and the temperature scale of his namesake, was born on 24 May 1686 in modern-day Poland.
When Fahrenheit was 15 years old his parents died after eating poisonous mushrooms. His you
Gabriel Fahrenheit Biography
Born: May 14, 1686
Danzig, Germany
Died: September 16, 1736
The Hague, the Netherlands
German instrument maker and glassblower
The German instrument maker Gabriel Fahrenheit made the first reliable thermometers, and the temperature scale he created is named after him.
Early life
Born in Danzig, Germany, on May 14, 1686, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit was one of Daniel and Concordia Schumann Fahrenheit's five children. His father was a wealthy merchant. Both his parents died on the same day, August 14, 1701, and he was then sent to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to work for and learn from a shopkeeper. After completing a term of four years there, Fahrenheit became interested in making scientific instruments. Although he lived in Amsterdam most of his life, he traveled widely to observe the work of scientists and makers of instruments in other areas. He spent considerable time in England, where he became a member of the Royal Society (Great Britain's oldest organization of scientists).
Creation of thermometers
Fahrenheit completed his first two thermometers by 1714. They contained alcohol and agreed exactly in their readings. The scale that was to bear Fahrenheit's name had not yet been made standard,