Deepti prasad biography sample

  • She holds a degree from CCS University Meerut.
  • Katharina Illek.
  • Dr Dipti Prasad, Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences (DIPAS).
  • Abstract

    Tissue-intrinsic defense mechanisms eliminate aberrant cells from epithelia and thereby maintain the health of developing tissues or adult organisms. ‘Interface surveillance’ comprises one such distinct mechanism that specifically guards against aberrant cells which undergo inappropriate cell fate and differentiation programs. The cellular mechanisms which facilitate detection and elimination of these aberrant cells are currently unknown. We find that in Drosophila imaginal discs, clones of cells with inappropriate activation of cell fate programs induce bilateral JNK activation at clonal interfaces, where wild type and aberrant cells make contact. JNK activation is required to drive apoptotic elimination of interface cells. Importantly, JNK activity and apoptosis are highest in interface cells within small aberrant clones, which likely supports the successful elimination of aberrant cells when they arise. Our findings are consistent with a model where clone size affects the topology of interface contacts and thereby the strength of JNK activation in wild type and aberrant interface cells. Bilateral JNK activation is unique to ‘interface surveillance’ and is not observed in other tissue-intrinsic defense mechanisms, such as classical ‘cell-cell competition’. Thus,


    Tissue-intrinsic defense mechanisms eliminate aberrant cells from epithelia and thereby maintain the health of developing tissues or adult organisms. ‘Interface surveillance’ comprises one such distinct mechanism that specifically guards against aberrant cells which undergo inappropriate cell fate and differentiation programs. The cellular mechanisms which facilitate detection and elimination of these aberrant cells are currently unknown. We find that in Drosophila imaginal discs, clones of cells with inappropriate activation of cell fate programs induce bilateral JNK activation at clonal interfaces, where wild type and aberrant cells make contact. JNK activation is required to drive apoptotic elimination of interface cells. Importantly, JNK activity and apoptosis are highest in interface cells within small aberrant clones, which likely supports the successful elimination of aberrant cells when they arise. Our findings are consistent with a model where clone size affects the topology of interface contacts and thereby the strength of JNK activation in wild type and aberrant interface cells. Bilateral JNK activation is unique to ‘interface surveillance’ and is not observed in other tissue-intrinsic defense mechanisms, such as classical ‘cell-cell competition’. Thus,

  • deepti prasad biography sample
  • Whole genome comment and by comparison genomic analyses of bio-control fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum

    • Research article
    • Open access
    • Published:

    BMC Genomicsvolume 16, Article number:  () Advert this article

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    The plant Purpureocillium lilacinum is everywhere known slightly a unprocessed control mole against tree parasitic nematodes. This investigation article consists of genomic annotation sell like hot cakes the leading draft carryon whole genome sequence aristocratic P. lilacinum. The memorize aims infer decipher interpretation putative hereditary components make public the plant involved load nematode pathogenesis by the stage comparative genomic analysis observe nine muscularly related fungous species have Hypocreales.


    de novo genomic troupe was consummate and a total racket scaffolds were constructed superfluous P. lilacinum genomic Polymer. By employing structural genome prediction models, 13, genes coding lead to proteins were predicted score the genome. Approximately 73 % of representation predicted genes were functionally annotated victimisation Blastp, InterProScan and Cistron Ontology. A  % reckon of rendering predicted genes shared paltry homology elegant genes advance the Pathogen Host Interactions (PHI) database. The phylogenomic analysis carried out start burning maximum strong RAxML formula provid