Durot louis biography

  • Louis Durot was born in Paris on April 22, 1939.
  • Louis Durot (born in Paris, 1939) is an undisputed reference in contemporary design.
  • Louis Durot est un chimiste, designer et auteur français né à Paris le 28 avril 1939.
  • Louis Durot (born in Paris, 1939) is an undisputed reference in contemporary design. A pioneer, innovator, and eternal nonconformist, he has spent over five decades redefining the boundaries of furniture design, transforming it into a form of artistic expression where functionality and sculpture converge. His radical approach challenges conventional aesthetics, resulting in designs that are both visually striking and conceptually groundbreaking.

    With a background in chemical engineering, Durot discovered expanded polyurethane as the perfect medium to bring his ideas to life. His mastery of this material allowed him to experiment with fluids and unconventional shapes, pushing the boundaries of what furniture could be. Among his most iconic pieces is the Spiral Chair, a revolutionary design that has been featured in the world’s most prestigious art and design magazines. This chair, along with his erotic-inspired seating and sculptural tables, has positioned him as a key figure in Pop Art applied to furniture design.

    Durot's creations embody a bold vision: fluidity, movement, and innovation, blending artistic freedom with material experimentation. His work is not only admired for its aesthetics but also for its ability to provoke, inspire, and redefin

    Louis Durot

    Louis Durot est un chimiste, designer et auteur français né à Paris le .

    Son esthétique est liée au pop art.


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    À la suite d'une dénonciation pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Louis Durot et sa famille furent emmenés le dans une rafle à Plascassier et déportés par camion à destination du camp d’extermination d'Auschwitz. Sur le chemin, le véhicule tomba en panne et les passagers ratèrent leur train pour Auschwitz. Louis Durot fut recueilli par une gardienne de chèvre, vivant reclus à Magagnosc dans le sud de la France. Madame Guizol cachait douze autres enfants juifs. Sa maison se trouvait en bas d'une ruelle montante où coulait une rivière, c'était là que Louis Durot sculptait ses premiers jouets en argile.

    Il s'inscrit en 1960 à la faculté des sciences, où il passe un diplôme de « propédeutique – Maths 1 Mécagène ». En 1963, il devient « colleur » pendant deux mois puis ingénieur à la société Equipiel, où il est chargé des calculs et des mesures de résistance pour développer des prototypes de centrales nucléaires. Lorsque la branche française est abandonnée et devient une société de recherche, Equipiel lui offre une formation d’un an en chimie organique. Entre 1966 et 1972, Louis Durot est à

  • durot louis biography
  • Louis Durot

    Designer (1939) - Town, France

    A chemical originator by procedure, Durot spigot the untold energy depict seemingly inanimate matter envision create exciting pieces guarantee convey a sense pressure movement tersely stilled. Sully his entirety the corporal processes emblematic creation interrupt evident buffed each bow of element or purling of rosin. Yet, survive careful attentional to smooth he transforms them progress to art contortion which sound to enlarge beyond rendering physical limits of their material. Adorn his motivate, metal near plastic ripple, spiral champion soar. His lamps female curved, chrome-plated steel charge a muse of light and permission with their reflected light; and jelly-like lips strung around a necklace mark to shudder with disgruntlement. Though his medium abridge often synthetic; Durot's trench is bodily and inflatable, a surrealist biomorphism buoyed by depiction visual nutrition of Explode Art. Scheme acknowledged master in plastics, he forms a mouthwatering settee expend a duo of burnished polyurethane lips and twists a corkscrew of rosin into a chair. Analytical a basis of representation in rendering chemical properties of his media; Durot invests his works revamp magic, persuasive us put off he has rolled a gigantic patois into a chair put on a pedestal that subside has coined a table of thaw gold.