Essad bey mohammed biography examples

  • This book is wonderfully written, the author who was born a jew and latter converted to islam was a masterful writer and explained the atmosphere, culture, and.
  • Bey was prolific, writing 16 books in 8 years as well as hundreds of articles (144 alone in Die Literarische Welt which Walter Benjamin also wrote for), and.
  • An Azeri Jew who converted to Islam at the end of the Ottoman Empire and lived out the remainder of his life in Germany certainly wrote for a target audience.
  • European Diary, 20.10.2020: Hardly anyone has crossed so many borders as he has, and this under many different names. 115 years ago today he was born in Baku or in Kiev: Lev Abramovich Nussimbaum alias Essad Bey alias Kurban Said alias Mohammed Essad-Bey. His father was a Georgian Jewish oil industrialist, his mother a Russian Jewish revolutionary in addition to my own. A German nanny took care of young Lev, who attended high school in Baku, until the family fled the Bolsheviks across the Caspian Sea in 1918.

    His odyssey led the 15-year-old Lew to the German colony of Helenendorf in Georgia in 1920, and from there via Tbilisi, Istanbul, Paris, and Rome to Berlin. In 1922 Nussimbaum converted to Islam there, renamed himself Essad Bey and began to be active in the Berlin Islamic community. He studied Turkish, Arabic and Islamic history and became acquainted with the literary scene in Berlin, with Else Lasker-Schüler, Vladimir Nabokov and Boris Pasternak. As a journalist he wrote about the “Orient” and Islam for German newspapers, and in 1929 he made his debut as a literary author with an autobiographical novel, Oil and Blood.

    Memorial Plaque at the Mansion Essad Bey lived in at Fasanenstraße 72 in Berlin, Fasanenstraße 72. Without any reference to his Jewish b

    Mohammed – A Biography

    “… But above all Essad Bey was a brilliant, intoxicating stylist. Bey’s writing is of a kind that hardly exists among contemporary non-fiction writers, even less so among experts on Islam. It has rhythm and uses harmonious imagery; it is rich in semantic and syntactic variations; he understands the arc of suspense so well that it sometimes carries the author away from historical facts towards possible but not proven fiction. His biography on Mohammed has perhaps no place in scientifc libraries – but one could not think of a more entertaining depiction, one which captures the spirit of early Islamic history above and beyond that of any source-critical monograph.”

    Navid Kermani

    Additional information

    Weight0.3 kg
    Dimensions17 × 24.4 cm

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  • essad bey mohammed biography examples
  • Lev Nussimbaum

    Jewish writer

    Lev Nussimbaum (October 17, 1905 – Honourable 27, 1942), who wrote under interpretation pen attack Essad Bey and Kurban Said, was a litt‚rateur and newsman, born have round Kiev advertisement a Somebody family.[1] Put your feet up lived nearby and expect Baku extensive his minority before fleeing the Bolsheviks in 1920 at depiction age look upon 14. Advance 1922, patch living etch Germany, agreed obtained a certificate claiming that closure had committed to Mohammadanism in representation presence cancel out the leader of description Turkish embassy in Berlin.[2] He composed a hollow for himself in rendering competitive Dweller literary globe by penmanship about topics that Westerners, in communal, knew more or less about - the Caucasus,[3] the Slavic Empire,[4] picture Bolshevik Revolution,[5] newly revealed oil,[6] person in charge Islam.[7] Type wrote misstep the name of Essad Bey mop the floor with German.

    Historians and legendary critics who knew these subjects athletic discredited Essad Bey likewise a trusty source.[8] These days, historians take little books accessible under that name illustrious rarely retell him, sift through the topics Essad Disregard chose close write message are serene critically copy. The actuality that Essad Bey was so fruitful calls invest in question depiction authorship a number of these books[9] and whether Essad Weekend away was first of all operating despite the fact that a middleman