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“Is it interpretation case ditch … ?”: Building deal with findings enjoy fact tidy Japanese unsuitable trials
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Hale, Sandra & Toilet Gibbons. 1999. Varying realities: Patterned changes in rendering interpreter’s option of court and outer realities. App • The editors of BMC Cancer would like to thank all our reviewers who have contributed to the journal in Volume 12 (2012). Trond Aasen Spain Abbas Abbas USA Ahmed Abdulamir Malaysia Filippo Acconcia Italy B.R Achyut USA Yasushi Adachi Japan Lucile L Adams-Campbell USA Christina Addison Canada Abbas Agaimy Germany Sofia Agelaki Greece Claudia Agnoli Italy Linda Agolli Italy Patrizia Agostinis Belgium Jose M Aguirre-Urizar Spain Tanya Agurs-Collins USA Dinesh Kumar Ahirwar USA Atique Ahmed USA Yong Chan Ahn Korea, South Nita Ahuja USA Wu Ai-Wen China Masaki Aizawa Japan Rosemary Akhurst USA Yoshihiro Akimoto Japan Salah-Eddin Al-Batran Germany Agustí Alentorn Spain Alex Alfieri Germany Elizabeth Algar Australia Juan Alguacil Spain Malcolm Alison United Kingdom Madson Almeida Brazil Michael Amatangelo USA Maria Raffaella Ambrosio Italy Stefan Ambs USA Masoud Amiri Netherlands Ole Ammerpohl Germany Ioannis Anagnostopoulos Germany Venkateshwari Ananthapur India Sudharsana Ande Canada Ladislav Andera Czech Republic Jesper Andersen USA Kristin Andersen Norway Christopher Anderson USA Ravindran Ankathil Malaysia Marc Antonyak USA Maarit Anttila Finland Hajer Aou • I feel a strong affinity to Chopin, Liszt, Schumann… the music I can play from my soul, but I also love to play Beethoven, Ravel, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and many others. Learn your craft, work hard, find your own voice, keep stretching yourself creatively, and give your gift to the world. Don’t be afraid to experiment with genres other than classical – this will only enhance your playing. Learn to improvise and arrange. Most of all, remember that failures only mean something if you let them define you. Never stop challenging yourself. The first memories I have of wanting to be a musician come from watching Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson performing, which made me think being on a stage would be a lot of fun. To this day, the stage is one of my favourite places and is where I feel the most comfortable Stay true to what is written but trust your instincts. Listen deeply. Never stop searching. Never give up on what you love to do as a musician or in life. If you do, it is like running out of water, you will die of thirst. Be true to yourself and plough your own furrow. A musician’s career path is often a lonely and frustrating one so you need to maintain self-beliefAbstract
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