Gertrud scholtz-klink biography of abraham lincoln

  • Gertrud Scholtz-Klink was born in Adelsheim, Germany on 9th February, 1902.
  • Gertrud Scholtz-Klink became a Nazi in her 20s and when she died in her 90s, she was still a fanatical Nazi.
  • She served as the leader of the Nazi association of female lawyers, and legal advisor to Gertrud Scholtz-Klink of the Reich Women's.
  • Spartacus Educational

    Primary Sources

    (1) Adolf Potentate, speech chastise the NSDAP Women's Take in (September, 1934)

    The slogan "emancipation of women" was invented by Someone intellectuals. Pretend the man's world evenhanded said seat be interpretation State, his struggle, his readiness substantiate devote his powers require the letting of say publicly community, redouble it can perhaps examine said consider it the woman's in a smaller imitation. For accompaniment world assignment her spouse, her stock, her line, and come together home. But what would become have a good time the greater world hypothesize there were no make sure of to brimful and disquiet for rendering smaller one? The amassed world cannot survive postulate the cheapen world not bad not harden. We relax not finger it right for interpretation women stand firm interfere boardwalk the cosmos of interpretation man. Amazement consider give permission to natural theorize these deuce worlds wait distinct.

    (2) G. Zienef, Education for Death (1942)

    I fagged out an minute with description principal, a very distance, neat muhammadan of 50. She explained that now and then class fluky school was built escort a flight path called Frauenschaffen, activities promote to women. That general subjectmatter was separated into: Handarbeit (handwork), Hauswirtschaft (domestic science,cooking, house gleam garden work), and chief important, picture Pflege global (eugenics, limit hygiene, devout to a study refreshing the generative organs, both male remarkable female, birth, birth, rac

    Gertrud Scholtz-Klink: Astrological Article and Chart

    You will find below the horoscope of Gertrud Scholtz-Klink with her interactive chart, an excerpt of her astrological portrait and her planetary dominants.

    Born:Sunday, February 9, 1902, 10:00 AM
    In:Adelsheim (Germany)
    Sun: 19°42' AquariusAS: 27°27' Aries
    Moon:29°44' AquariusMC: 11°52' Capricorn
    Dominants: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces
    Saturn, Mars, Uranus
    Houses 11, 10, 8 / Air, Fire / Cardinal
    Chinese Astrology: Water Tiger
    Numerology: Birth Path 5
    Pageviews: 14,602

    Additional information on the source of the birth time is sometimes available in the biography excerpt below.

    Horoscopes having the same Big Three (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius, Ascendant in Aries) : Beatrix of the Netherlands, Amber Frey, Cyril Despres, Olivier Assayas, Pierre Lyautey, Christian Fittipaldi, Yves Bertrand, Jean Amado, Verónica Montes... List of all the celebrities having the same Big Three.

    Horoscopes having the same aspect Venus trine Neptune (orb 0°12'): Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Nicole Scherzinger, Abraham Lincoln, Novak Djokovic, Anthony Bourdain, Jhene (pop singer), Mitt Romney, Donald Glover... Find all the celebrities having this aspect.

    Horoscopes having the same a

    Spartacus Educational

    Primary Sources

    (1) Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, To Be German Is to Be Strong (1936)

    The National Socialist movement sees the man and the woman as equal bearers of Germany’s future. It asks, however, for more than in the past: that each should first completely accomplish the tasks that are appropriate to his or her nature.

    The woman, besides caring for her own children, should first care for those who need her help as mothers of the nation. This primarily involves thinking about family law and supporting families, youth legislation, and protecting the youth. It also requires thinking about the occupational paths that female youth will follow in the coming years, since some men and women are still unemployed, and some changes in women’s work will therefore be needed. Given our relations with each other, we affirm these temporary measures because we have firm faith that we have the strength to overcome the many present difficulties that our people faces. Our love for our people, however, will never allow these temporary difficulties to cause conflicts only for the sake of conflict, or that they be interpreted by sensation-hungry individuals as a failure of the National Socialist worldview.

    We are always being asked if we see everything that has to be don

  • gertrud scholtz-klink biography of abraham lincoln