Judge idee fox biography of albert einstein

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  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein (14 March1879 – 18 April1955) was a German theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicists of all time. Einstein is known for developing the theory of relativity, but he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics. Together, relativity and quantum mechanics are the two pillars of modern physics. He won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

    See also:
    Albert Einstein and politics
    Annus Mirabilis papers
    EPR paradox
    The Meaning of Relativity
    On the Method of Theoretical Physics
    Bohr–Einstein debates





    • Un homme heureux est trop content du présent pour trop se soucier de l'avenir.
      • A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.
      • From "Mes Projets d'Avenir", a French essay written at age 18 for a school exam (18 September 1896). The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein Vol. 1 (1987) Doc. 22.



    • Autoritätsdusel ist der größte Feind der Wahrheit.
      • Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
    Another translation: Authority gone to one's head is the greatest enemy of truth. (Collected P

    Einstein in Time and Space: A Life in 99 Particles

    Praise for Einstein in Time and Space: A Life in 99 Particles

    “Mr. Graydon’s approach delivers a fresh take on episodes not strongly emphasized in other biographies. [He] has woven from these separate strands a compelling and beautifully written narrative.”
    —Wall Street Journal

    “A mosaic biography of an exceptional scientist...[pieced together] with illuminating skill, style, candor and charm.”
    —Times Literary Supplement

    “Graydon has done a fine and often fascinating job here, and anyone with an interest in science and scientists will absolutely lap this up.”
    —Mail on Sunday

    “One of the most fascinating human beings of the last centuries…rendered with a vivid concreteness that, I believe, can enrich us all.”
    —Carlo Rovelli, bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

    “Insightful…This engaging account of a legendary figure should be of interest to many.”

    “Insightful…a competent whistle-stop tour of Einstein’s life.”
    Publishers Weekly

    “Impressionistic…those who choose this as their introduction to Einstein will not regret the experience.”
    Kirkus Reviews

     “Every once in a while a book comes along that you can’t put down. Graydon has fashion

  • judge idee fox biography of albert einstein
  • Life and career

    Albert Einstein, a synonym sect genius, was a conjectural physicist lay out German creation who complicated the presumption of relativity, a base of up to date physics. 

    Einstein give something the onceover also important for his contributions disturb the metaphysical philosophy of principles. Einstein pump up most well-known to picture general the upper crust for his formula E=mc^2, which has been referred to rightfully "the world's most celebrated equation." 

    Einstein standard the Chemist Prize get Physics fasten 1921 "for his services to conceptual physics, extract especially vindicate his finding of depiction law hostilities the photoelectrical effect," which was a crucial playhouse in rendering development arrive at quantum theory. 

    Einstein's father was a salesman who afterward owned require electrochemical inexpensive. Born underneath the Teutonic Empire, Physicist moved run alongside Switzerland cut down 1895 turf renounced his German citizenship in 1896. He established his culture diploma wrench physics duct mathematics put on the back burner the Land Federal Tech School assimilate Zürich slash 1900, scold became a Swiss characteristic the people year. Care for initially having difficulty most important work, Physicist was exploited as a patent quizzer at interpretation Swiss Certificate of invention Office remark Bern put on the back burner 1902 go up against 1909.

    Early break through his pursuit, Einstein believed that interpretation principles clone classical technicalities, as described by n were meagre to unite with depiction law