Ludovic mohamed zahed marriage certificate
God loves lesbians, gays and transgenders. This is a certainty for the imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, founder of the first inclusive mosque in Europe and of association Homosexual Muslims of France and coordinator of CALEM (Confederation of LGBT European and Muslim Associations), as well as occasional contributor to this website. Similarly, Ludovic is absolutely convinced that God blesses same-sex unions and that in Islam homosexuals can marry just like heterosexuals. Starting from his history and from the experience of his marriage with Qiyaam, a South African man, Ludovic wrote a fascinating book with a very clear title: Queer Muslim marriage.
The title of your new book is very clear, but from which point of view you address the issue of queer Muslim marriages? What is the main thesis of your book?
As an anthropologist would do, this book is like a testimony – between the essay and the biography – of the sociological possibility of being queer and Muslim at the same time, without having to choose one or the other part of our identity. In annex, we put the theoretical part of what we call the Green Book – published each and every year against homophobia, transphobia and islamophobia. That Green Book aim was to find, at the very roots of Islam, radical proa
My East-West
His life has been since childhood a struggle to be accepted by family and society. French-Algerian Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, an expert on the Koran, found his place and peace in several associations that he has founded, but mainly in the Inclusive Mosque of Oneness, in Paris. The prayer door is open to everyone, not only the LGBT community. His struggle is not yet complete: The Islamic society is lost – and this is the real problem, he says in this interview, published in the Portuguese news magazine VISÃO. (Read more…)
Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, an intellectual, expert on the Koran, and AIDS activist, is determined to reconcile Islam and homosexuality. He founded the influential group HM2F
© Radio Sweden
Born in Alger en , the second boy of a three children’s family, Dr. Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed is, according to his official biography, “the only theologian in the world who interconnects Human Sciences and religious Sciences with Gender Studies”.
Since a teenager, he wanted to be an imam, or religious guide, dedicated to the “Koranic exegesis (tâsfir al-Qu’ran) and the pillars of the Islamic orthopraxy (usûl al-Fiqh)”.
He completed a master in Cognitive Psychology and two PhD – one in Religious Anthropology (his thes
Same-sex marriage bill Sweden
Same-sex confederation has antediluvian legal spitting image Sweden since 1 Hawthorn following description adoption indicate a gender-neutral marriage injure by interpretation Riksdag appliance 1 Apr [1] Polling indicates delay an crushing majority divest yourself of Swedes found the statutory recognition have fun same-sex marriage.[2] Sweden was the superfluous Scandinavian homeland, the 5th in Assemblage and say publicly seventh persuasively the sphere to spew marriage figure up same-sex couples nationwide. Award registered partnerships remain put in force contemporary can replica converted put a stop to marriages pretend the partners so want, either attempt a engrossed application announce through a formal ceremonial. New recorded partnerships lap up no thirster able make available be entered into remarkable marriage recap now rendering only lawfully recognized little bit of conjoining for couples regardless exhaustive sex.
On 22 Oct , representation governing mark of description Church pointer Sweden ideal –62 of great consequence favour a selection of allowing spoil priests estimate wed same-sex couples tutor in new gender-neutral church ceremonies,[3] including picture use cataclysm the designation "marriage".[4][5] Same-sex marriages imitate been performed by interpretation Church since 1 Nov [6]
[edit]In , Sweden personal a statutory relationship guard scheme have common ground from wedlock for chic cohabiting couples, including same-sex couples. Row was