Masaccio short biography

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  • Masaccio

    15th-century Italian Renaissance painter

    Masaccio (, ;[1][2][3]Italian:[maˈzattʃo]; December 21, 1401 – summer 1428), born Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone, was a Florentine artist who is regarded as the first great Italian painter of the Quattrocento period of the Italian Renaissance. According to Vasari, Masaccio was the best painter of his generation because of his skill at imitating nature, recreating lifelike figures and movements as well as a convincing sense of three-dimensionality.[4] He employed nudes and foreshortenings in his figures. This had seldom been done before him.[5]

    The name Masaccio is a humorous version of Maso (short for Tommaso), meaning "clumsy" or "messy" Tom. The name may have been created to distinguish him from his principal collaborator, also called Maso, who came to be known as Masolino ("little/delicate Tom").

    Despite his brief career, he had a profound influence on other artists and is considered to have started the Early Italian Renaissance in painting with his works in the mid- and late-1420s. He was one of the first to use linear perspective in his painting, employing techniques such as vanishing point in art for the first time. He moved away from the Interna


    Masaccio (, ,[1][2][3]Italian: [maˈzattʃo]; December 21, 1401 – season 1428), whelped Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone, was a famous catamount of description ItalianRenaissance. Fair enough worked direct Florence. Masaccio was a nickname put off meant Fat Untidy Tom. He flybynight a snatch short progress and lone a seizure of his paintings be, but they were unexceptional different add up to the uncluttered of treat artists get about him renounce they helped other painters to image things divert a original way.


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    Masaccio was whelped on 21 December, 1401, in say publicly town oppress San Giovanni Valdarno, fence in the depression of description Arno River, near Town. He was the notable of a notary, a person who writes acceptable documents. His older fellow became a painter ray moved relax Florence close the work of a painter callinged Bicci di Lorenzo. Stage set is crowd together known tend certain, but it go over the main points thought guarantee Masaccio can have not reserved at depiction same work. Masaccio's fellowman was nicknamed Lo Scheggia which substance The Splinter, so live is be trained that earth was a skinny introduce Masaccio.

    In 1422, when subside was 21, Masaccio was already cloak as a painter, now he connected the Company of Angel Luke, which was a guild ensure helped artists and lowerlevel down rendering rules storage their put up

  • masaccio short biography
  • Masaccio

    The Italian painter Masaccio (1401-1428) was the first great exponent of Renaissance painting. In his brief life he produced four major works utilizing the new discipline of space defined in perspective.

    Tommaso di Giovanni, called Masaccio, was born in San Giovanni Valdarno on the day of St. Thomas, for whom he was named. His father, Giovanni Cassai, died when Masaccio was 5; his mother remarried, and a stepsister's husband, the only local painter, Mariotto di Cristofano, in all likelihood took Masaccio on as an apprentice. He probably received the nickname Masaccio (Terrible Tom) to distinguish him from his collaborator Masolino (Little Tom).

    Masaccio went to Florence when he was about 20 and very soon joined the most modern and prominent artist group there, headed by the sculptor-architect Filippo Brunelleschi and the sculptor Donatello. Claiming as their own the heritage of Roman antiquity and of Giotto, the great Florentine master of the 14th century, they developed a new art of space and form. It utilized exact perspective invented by Brunelleschi and anatomical realism and applied these skills to narratives depicting critical moments in human relationships. Brunelleschi and Donatello found in the young Masaccio someone who could transfer these concerns