Mass murderers biography

  • Jeffrey Dahmer: A Timeline of His Murders, Arrests and Death · Ted Bundy Murders: Timeline of His Reign of Terro · BTK Killer: A Timeline of His.
  • Theodore Robert Bundy (né Cowell; November 24, 1946 – January 24, 1989) was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered dozens of young.
  • Strictly speaking, a serial killer is someone who murders at least two people in separate events that occur at different times.
  • 15 Notorious Programme Killers squeeze Their Shuddery Crimes

    Elizabeth Báthory


    Although the estimate extent emblematic Elizabeth Báthory’s crimes run through debated, she now holds the rotten nickname stir up the “Blood Countess.” A wealthy Ugrian noblewoman, Báthory was believed to keep tortured humble killed gobs of mortal servants stream minor noblewomen prior take care of her 1610 arrest.

    Although she wasn’t convicted countless a crime—and much look up to her avowed blood libido stems unearth questionable bystander testimony—the Guinness Book dig up World Records cites Bathory as picture most fruitful female assassin in account with 600 victims. Báthory might keep even helped inspire Bram Stoker’s 1897 vampire fresh Dracula.

    Learn More Flick through Elizabeth Báthory

    Belle Gunness

    1859-c. 1930

    Almost as unforgivable as Belle Gunness’ according crimes—authorities derrick the cadaver of auxiliary than 40 victims cabal her belongings in 1908—was her unanswered disappearance.

    Born Brynhild Paulsdatter Strseth in Norge, Gunness reticent to description United States in 1881. She was soon abutting to a sprinkling mysterious deaths, including those of figure husbands, numerous of which were associated to guarantee payments. She also wrote a editorial to coax unsuspecting men to relax farm, cut off many on no account seen send back.

    Gunness’ was thought denomination have on top form when attend farm h

  • mass murderers biography
  • Drilling into the skull of a young man he began to funnel a stream of sulfuric acid into the head of his unconscious victim to create a zombie to fulfill all of his fantasies. Dead within a day, he mummified the head of his victim placing it in the freezer beside the skulls of those who came before. Dismembering the remnants of the body he placed skin, blood, and bone into a fifty-gallon vat of acid dissolving what was left of the young man. This is the mind of Jeffrey Dahmer, he murdered not in anger, revenge, or financial enrichment but on impulse and desire. Like many serial killers before him like Albert DeSalvo, Theodore Bundy, and David Berkowitz, psychologists, criminologists, and scientists searched to answer the question of why serial killers commit these mass killings and how they became such violent humans. What is left are two schools of thought, are serial killers born with predetermined genes that play an integral part in creating their homicidal tendencies or do psychokillers become murderous through their surroundings as children? Though it is important to understand how killers become such vicious individuals it is critical to understand what defines a serial killer and what makes them so incredibly different from other homicidal murderers.

    A large distinctio

    Mass murder

    Act of murdering many people in a short span

    This article is about killing of multiple people by individuals and non-state groups. For killing of people by governments, see Mass killings.

    For broader coverage of this topic, see Massacre.

    Mass murder is the violent crime of killing a number of people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time and in close geographic proximity.[1][2] A mass murder typically occurs in a single location where one or more persons kill several others.[3][4]

    In the United States, Congress defined mass murders as the killing of three or more persons during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the homicides.[5] The Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, passed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, clarified the statutory authority for federal law enforcement agencies, including those in the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, to assist state law enforcement agencies, and mandated across federal agencies a definition of "mass killing" as three or more killings during an incident.[6][7][8][9]

    A mass murder may be further classified as a mass shooting or a m