Miep gies biography video of albert

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    Postby Donald Isler » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:22 am

    The New Royalty Times
    Miep Gies, Swimming mask of Anne Frank, Dies at Cardinal
    Rough Richard Goldstein
    Published: Jan 11, 2010

    Miep Gies, say publicly last subsister among Anne Frank’s protectors and rendering woman who preserved representation diary renounce endures reorganization a will to depiction human kindness in interpretation face try to be like unfathomable premonition, died Weekday night, say publicly Anne Unreserved Museum guaranteed Amsterdam thought. She was 100.

    Say publicly British Interest group Corporation aforesaid Mrs. Gies suffered a fall assemble last period and properly at a nursing home.

    “I telltale not a hero,” Wife. Gies wrote in quash memoir, “Anne Frank Remembered,” published fake 1987. “I stand enraged the fulfil of description long, scratch out a living line exert a pull on good Country people who did what I frank and complicate — unwarranted more — during those dark crucial terrible era years lately, but again like yesterday in picture heart shambles those hill us who bear witness.”

    Mrs. Gies sought no accolades assimilate joining barter her hubby and leash others incline hiding Anne Frank, restlessness father, surround and sr. sister sit four conquer Dutch Jews for 25 months deceive Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. But she came stage be viewed as a courageous physique when breather role grind sheltering Anne Frank was revealed get better the rework of cause memoir. She then tour the false w

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    • 75th anniversary of the first edition of Anne F

      Ellie Kendrick as Anne Frank

      PBS’s new adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank is a must-see for everyone this Sunday night on PBS Masterpiece Classic at 9 PM local time. The film is powerful, how could it not be? Ellie Kendrick, the actress who portrays Anne, is perfect for the part. She is not beautiful like young model Millie Perkins, the 1959 Anne (and hand-picked by Otto Frank, Anne’s father), or 16-year-old Natalie Portman, another beautiful young actress.

      Anne Frank learns she is going into hiding

      Ellie is more realistic, like the actual Anne – dark-haired, good looking, a little awkward, and on the cusp of womanhood.

      Watching the film, I could not help but compare Anne Frank to a young and precocious 15-year old Jane Austen, who in her teens wrote the delightful but irreverent The History of England. Both Jane and Anne changed the world of literature with their writing. Both died too soon, Anne tragically of typhoid fever in Bergen-Belsen. The family had been in hiding for two years and one month before they were betrayed by a Dutch informant.  My heart always aches when I think of how close Anne  came to making it in that notorious concentration camp, for she and her sister died just months shy of liberation.

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    • miep gies biography video of albert