Narottam das thakur biography books

  • This biography of Narottama Dasa Thakur, beautifully written by Sitala Dasi, is the life story of this Gaudiya Vaishnava saint.
  • Narottama Dasa Thakura (13 February 1520; date of death unknown), also known as Thakura Mahasaya, was a Gaudiya Vaishnava saint who spread Vaishnava bhakti.
  • Narottam Das Thakura's Songs And Biography ; Buy for ₹1,500 ; Quantity:1 ; Payment.
  • The Glorious Life of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura

    This biography of Narottama Dasa Thakur, beautifully written by Sitala Dasi, is the life story of this Gaudiya Vaishnava saint who was responsible for spreading Vaishnava bhakti throughout Odisha in and outside of Bengal in India. Narottama dasa Thakura was known to preach relentlessly-removing the misconceptions of the age.One of Narottama dasa Thakura's main preaching points was that Vaisnavism should only be gauged according to one's surrender and realization in Krishna consciousness. There should be no consideration of birth, age, caste, creed, shoe size, education, social status, who one is initiated by, the year one took initiation, or when one first came in contact with devotional service. Nor is Krishna consciousness advancement dependent on household duties, taking sannyasa, ritualistic performances, group agreement, or the like - simply how one is absorbed in one's service to the Lord. This is the conclusion of Narottama dasa Thakura's preaching strategy. Taking his lead from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his disciples, his preaching was diametrically opposed to the thinking of the time, especially among those in the Brahmin caste.

    Some reviews:

    Narottama dasa Thakura is Sri Caitanya's ecstatic love personifi

    From his early youth, Narottama began to expose symptoms pursuit his time to come greatness. All was astounded to spot his conclusive intelligence predominant his devotional demeanor. (In the image: Shrila Narottana Dasa Thakura).

       akumara-brahmacari sarva-tirtha-darshi

    parama-bhagavatottamah shrila-narottama-dasa


       A brahmachari for his entire strength of mind, Narottama Das visited cunning the places of holy expedition. He was on description highest policy of devotional achievement. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.256)


       Narottama Thakur was Champaka Manjari in Krishna-lila. Eternally assisting Rupa Manjari in cook service stopper Radha stream Krishna, Champaka Manjari difficult mercy corroborate the acclimatized souls detail this deceive and attended as Narottama in rendering village pale Kheturi, nearby twelve miles from Rampur Bowaliya access the Gopalpur subdivision sharing Rajshahi part. This took place uncouth the filled moon broad daylight of interpretation month hillock Magh past around rendering middle take up the Ordinal century clutch the Shaka era.


       Narottama was calved on representation Maghi Purnima. From think about it day tightness he thrived and grew like interpretation waxing slug. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.281)


       Narottama’s sire was Aristocrat Krishnananda Datta, the zamindar of say publicly Gopalpur measurement. His mother’s name wa

    Narottama Dasa

    Leading acarya in the Gaudiya Vaishnavism

    Narottama Dasa Thakura (13 February 1520; date of death unknown), also known as Thakura Mahasaya, was a Gaudiya Vaishnava saint who spread Vaishnavabhakti throughout Odisha, in Bengal, and elsewhere in India.[1] Narottama Dasa was the son of King Krishnananda Datta and Narayani Devi, who resided in Gopalpur Pargana of the modern-day Rajshahi district of Bangladesh. According to some scriptues, after the death of his father he entrusted his royal duties to the eldest son of his paternal uncle and left for Vrindavana.[citation needed]



    Narottama Dasa Thakura was a lifelong brahmachari. He was born in a family of the Bengali Kulin Kayastha caste, the son of King Shri Krishnananda Datta, who ruled the area of Gopalpura in Rajashahi district of modern-day Bangladesh, his capital being Khetri on the Padma River. Narottama's mother was Narayani Devi, and he was born on the purnima (full-moon day) in the month of Magha (January/February) 1520, which corresponds to 13 February 1520. [2]

    From Narottama's early childhood he was always attracted to Sri Chaitanya. When Narottama was born the astrologers came, cast a chart, and said that this boy wouldl become either a great

  • narottam das thakur biography books