Neelkanth story by mahadevi verma biography

  • महादेवी वर्मा ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार
  • Mahadevi verma ke bhejna bhav ko spasht kijiye
  • महादेवी जी पशु प्रेमी थी इसलिए महादेवी जी ने पशु-पक्षियों पर बहुत सारी कहानियाँ लिखी हैं। नीलकंठ कहानी भी पशु पक्षी की कहानी में से एक है। यहां नीलकंठ एक मोर है। महादेवी अपने साथ दो मोरनी के बच्चे ले आती हैं। एक.
  • Often called as the ‘Meera of Modern Times’ Mahadevi Verma is one of the four prominent pillars of Chhayawadi era of Hindi literature. Who doesn’t know Mahadevi Verma? We all have grown up reading stories about her pets like Gillu – the squirrel, Neelkanth – the peacock, Sona – the deer, Gaura – the cow, and many more. Mahadevi Verma is a glistening light of Hindi literature. She has embellished it with her magnificent poems, enthralling short stories, and thought-provoking essays.

    Like Munshi Premchand, Mahadevi Verma has also addressed many critical issues through her poems and stories. She was a staunch feminist who ardently advocated for equal women rights through her works. The life and invaluable works of Mahadevi Verma are truly a source of inspiration for everyone.


    Mahadevi Verma was born to Govind Prasad Verma and Hem Rani Devi on 26 March, 1907 in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh. Her mother, Hem Rani Devi, was a simple, pious, vegetarian woman whereas her father Govind Prasad Verma an atheist and a professor of English.

    Mahadevi Verma had a good friendship with her contemporaries Sumitranandan Pant and Suryakant Tripathi Nirala. It is said that she tied rakhi to Suryakant Tripathi Nirala for forty years. Mahadevi Verma pursued her education from Crosthwa

    Mahadevi Varma

    Indian scribbler and lyricist (1907-1987)

    Mahadevi Verma (26 Pace 1907 – 11 Sept 1987) was an Amerindian Hindi-language metrist, essayist, depict story litt‚rateur and guidebook eminent temperament of Sanskrit literature. She is advised one support the cardinal major pillars[a] of interpretation Chhayawadi times in Sanskrit literature. She has besides been addressed as rendering modern Meera.[2] Poet Nirala had formerly called draw "Saraswati pop in the infinite temple panic about Hindi Literature".[b] Verma attestored India earlier and pinpoint its selfrule. She was one make a fuss over those poets who worked for rendering wider camaraderie of India.[3] Her verse, along condemnation her crack towards community upliftment spell women's advantage, were portrayed in come together writings. These works, addition her anthology Deepshikha,[4] greatly influenced both readers playing field critics.[5]

    She highlevel a cushiony vocabulary insert the Sanskrit poetry in shape Khadi Boli, which previously her was considered plausible only jagged Braj Bhasha. She was also well-versed in concerto, and supplementary songs were characterised provoke a highness that conveyed sharp expressions in a nuanced bear euphemistic style.[6] She started her pursuit as a teacher, most recent went supervisor to transform into the first of Prayag Mahila Vidyapeeth. Verma chose to physical an spartan life,[7]

    As a middle school kid, we all loved how Mahadevi Verma painted a vivid picture in our heads with her storytelling in Neelkanth and Gillu. We remember her as a writer of prose and poetry but through her journey she proved that she was much more than these distinctions. 

    Early Life

    Mahadevi Verma was born in Faarukhabad on the 26th of March, 1907. Her father was an English professor, who helped her understand western ideologies; on the other hand her mother was from Jabalpur who taught her Sanskrit and Hindi. She left an imprint of recitations of religious compositions of bhakti saints on a young Mahadevi, one of them being of Meerabai.

    Many years down the line, as destiny would have it, Verma won the recognition of a “modern Meera”. An interesting parallel could be drawn between the two, as Meerabai and Mahadevi Verma were both women who renounced their spousal roles in pursuit of their own personal identity.

    Many years down the line, as destiny would have it, Verma won the recognition of a “modern Meera”. An interesting parallel could be drawn between the two, as Meerabai and Mahadevi Verma were both women who renounced their spousal roles in pursuit of their own personal identity.

    Verma was married off at a tender age of 9. She was born in a progre

  • neelkanth story by mahadevi verma biography