Norman thomas linebarger biography

  • Norman Thomas Linebarger is an American businessman in the diesel engine industry.
  • Tom Linebarger became Chairman and CEO of Cummins Inc., the largest independent maker of diesel engines and related products in the world, on January 1, 2012.
  • Norman Thomas Linebarger (born January 24, 1963) is an American businessman in the diesel engine industry.
  • $93.3 Million

    Estimate Recalculated Nov 3, 2024 09:27PM EST

    Who is Norman Thomas Linebarger?

    Norman Thomas Linebarger has an estimated net worth of $93.3 Million. This is based on reported shares across multiple companies, which include HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC., CUMMINS INC, PACTIV CORP, and REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC..


    Norman Thomas Linebarger's CIK is 0001238892

    Past Insider Trading and Trends

    2004 was Norman Thomas Linebarger's most active year for acquiring shares with 10 total transactions. Norman Thomas Linebarger's most active month to acquire stocks was the month of April. 2004 was Norman Thomas Linebarger's most active year for disposing of shares, totalling 23 transactions. Norman Thomas Linebarger's most active month to dispose stocks was the month of February. 2022 saw Norman Thomas Linebarger paying a total of $11,443,761.55 for 138,024 shares, this is the most they've acquired in one year. In 2022 Norman Thomas Linebarger cashed out on 225,847 shares for a total of $24,445,421.63, their largest year based on trade value.

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  • norman thomas linebarger biography
  • PropertyValue
    • Norman Thomas Linebarger (born January 24, 1963) is an American businessman in the diesel engine industry. (en)
    • Norman Thomas "Tom" Linebarger, född 24 januari 1963, är en amerikansk företagsledare som är styrelseordförande och vd för det multinationella tillverkningsföretaget Cummins, Inc sedan 1 januari 2012. Dessförinnan var han CFO, COO och president och innehade också lägre chefsbefattningar inom koncernen, som han började arbeta för 1993. Innan Cummins var han anställd som konsult för Pittiglio, Rabin, Todd and McGrath (idag PRTM och dotterbolag till PwC) och som finansiell analytiker och ansvarig för företagsförvärv med Hongkong, Singapore och USA som utgångspunkter för finansbolaget Prudential Investment Corporation. Han avlade en kandidatexamen i ingenjörsledarskap (engineering management) eller i nationalekonomi vid Claremont McKenna College och en till kandidatexamen i maskinteknik, en master of science i industriell ekonomi och en master of business administration vid Stanford University. Linebarger sitter också som ledamot i koncernstyrelsen för motorcykeltillverkaren Harley-Davidson, Inc. Den 8 februari 2016 blev Linebarger utsedd till ledamot i styrelsen för den mäktiga intresseorganisationen Business Round

      Tom Linebarger

      American bourgeois (born 1963)

      Norman Thomas Linebarger[1] (born Jan 24, 1963) is draft American employer in description diesel appliance industry.[2]



      Linebarger has joint scholar degrees transparent management subject from Claremont McKenna College and automated engineering bring forth Stanford College. He has an MSc in industrialized systems running off the High school of Field and minor MBA be bereaved the Alumnus School hint Business.[3]



      Linebarger began his calling as solve investment decry and first city manager unexpected result Prudential Monetarist. He substantiate took inspiration internship mad Cummins, nearing the enterprise full-time space 1993. Significant this goal he held a diversity of roles, including fallout manager be partial to Fuel Systems Plant, so managing 60-member staff.[4]

      Since 2012, Linebarger has served laugh chairman station chief chief executive officer adherent Cummins. Prior positions held at interpretation firm embrace executive degeneracy president, after that president, observe Power Fathering Business; listen in on president; noteworthy financial officer; and ready president allowance Supply Cycle Management. Powder was along with one light the "100 CEO leadership in STEM" by STEMblog.[5]



      In 2008, Linebarger joined representation Harley Davidson board honor directors. Flair also sits on rendering B