Petr a lucie rozbor díla k maturitě
School attendance is compulsory for 9 years, usually from the age of 6 to 15. Most children attend state schools but there are also private and church schools. Education at state schools is free of charge but students have to pay for their textbooks. Private and church schools charge fees. All schools are coeducational. Children in our school system do not wear uniforms.
The school starts on 1st September and ends on 30th June of the following year. The school year is divided into two terms (Sept.-Jan., Febr.- June). The number of lessons at a secondary school is around thirty a week, primary schools have fewer lessons. Pupils are evaluated by marks from 1 to 5. Education in our country includes these stages: pre-school (kindergartens, nursery schools), primary, secondary and tertiary.
At the age of 15 pupils transfer from primary to secondary schools. Some pupils can transfer to grammar schools at 11 after they have passed an entrance examination.
secondary schools:
- grammar schools offer academic education and prepare students for further study at universities
- special schools – business schools, agricultural schools, nursing schools, conservator
- vocational schools – training for practical jobs
Secondary education takes 4
William Shakespeare - Hamlet Rozbor Díla K Maturitě
William Shakespeare - Hamlet Rozbor Díla K Maturitě
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William Shakespear - Anglický dramatik a básník, spolumajitel divadla (1564 - 1616)
- nejdříve psal komedie a historické hry, poté dosedl smutek a
začal s tragédiemi
- náměty z životopisů známých lidí, tamp down starých kronik…
- zemřel na horečku
- Community, Othello, Zkrocení zlé ženy...
Renesance - 14. - 16. století, vývoj z Itálie, vrcholný středověk
- návrat k antice, vzdělání
- rozkvět umění, anatomie, vědy a všeho, co středověk popíral
- důraz somebody rozum, život na Zemi, poznání zákonitostí svě
Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, with about 1.2 million inhabitants. It is the cultural, historical, and governmental heart of the republic.
- The city was established in the 9th century as the seat of Czech princes and later kings of Bohemia.
- Charles IV, Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor, chose Prague as the capital of his Empire, founding Charles University, St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge, and the New Town. Many beautiful landmarks associated with Prague can be traced back to Charles IV.
- Prague is linked with Czech religious reformer Jan Hus and the Hussite movement.
- The Thirty Years’ War began in Prague with the uprising of the Czech Estates in the early 17th century.
- In the 19th century, Prague was the center of the National Revival, during which the National Theatre was built to express Czech national pride.
- In 1918, the city became the capital of independent Czechoslovakia, and after the peaceful division of Czechoslovakia in 1993, it became the capital of the Czech Republic.
Prague Districts
The old center of Prague consists of five historical districts:
- Old Town
- New Town
- Josefov (Jewish Quarter)
- Lesser Quarter
- Hradčany (Castle District)
The Old Town
- Charles Bridge: Built in the 14th century, legend says that builders