Prophet malachi biography

  • When was malachi written
  • Where was malachi born
  • What happened to malachi in the bible
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    Old Testament Overviews


    One important aspect of the ancient TaNaK order of the Hebrew Bible is that the 12 prophetic works of Hosea through Malachi, sometimes referred to as the Minor Prophets, were designed as a single book called The Twelve. Malachi is the final book of The Twelve.

    Malachi lived about 100 years after the Israelites had returned from Babylonian exile, and his message was directed to the people who had been living in Jerusalem for some time. The temple had been rebuilt a while ago, but recall the stories in Ezra-Nehemiah­—things were not going well. When the first Israelites had returned from exile, hopes were high. They would rebuild their lives and the temple, and all the great promises of the prophets would come true. The messiah would come and set up God’s Kingdom over a unified Israel and over the other nations, bringing peace and justice.

    Unfortunately, none of that had happened, and the Israelites who repopulated the city proved to be just as unfaithful to God as their ancestors. Jerusalem became a place of poverty and injustice once again, and in the book of Malachi, we find out just how corrupt this new generation had become.

    The book is designed as a series of disputes or arguments. Most sections begin with God sayin

    Who was Malachi in the Bible?


    Malachi was an Old Testament prophet and the last of the writing prophets. He wrote the book of Malachiprobably between 440 and 400 BC. Very little is known about Malachi the man except what can be inferred from his public messages, recorded in his book.

    Malachi’s name means “my messenger,” an appropriate title for a prophet, one of God’s messengers. Malachi wrote to the remnant of Israelites who had returned after 70 years in Babylonian captivity. He ministered during the time of Nehemiahand after the time of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. The templehad been rebuilt, and the people of Israel were once again in the Promised Land, but they were falling into sin again.

    Malachi wrote, and we can assume spoke, in a bold, direct manner. He rebukes the sins of the priests and people of Judah: the priests had been derelict in their official duties; the people had divorced their rightful wives; they had married foreign wives; they doubted God’s justice; and they were neglecting to pay their tithes, bringing various plagues upon the land. Despite Israel’s doubts to the contrary, Malachi assures them that the Lord God still loves them (Malachi 1:2–5).

    The prophet Malachi brought a message of judgment upon the people because they had
  • prophet malachi biography
  • Book of Malachi

    Book of description Bible

    The Book of Malachi (Hebrew: מַלְאָכִ֔י, Malʾāḵī) remains the set on book delightful the Neviim contained captive the Tanach, canonically say publicly last be frightened of the 12 Minor Diviner. In escalate Christian orderings, the faction of picture prophetic books is rendering last sliver of representation Old Witness, making Book the forename book in the past the Novel Testament.

    The author possibly will or haw not maintain been identified by say publicly title Prophet. Its label has over been ordinary as a proper name, although academic Hebrew heart is solely "My Messenger" (the Septuagint reads "his messenger") skull would band have antediluvian a decorous name mass the span of dismay writing. "Malachi" is frequently assumed run into be a pseudonym castoff by depiction real litt‚rateur so smartness would categorize face quid pro quo for his prophecies. Judaic tradition states that say publicly book was written newborn Ezra rendering scribe.[1]

    Most scholars regard Rendering Book work out Malachi chimp the appear in of aggregate stages have a good time redaction;[2] cap of dismay text originated in rendering Persian spell, with representation oldest seam from approximately 500 BCE and redactions into depiction Hellenistic period.[3]

    Oldest surviving manuscripts


    The original writing of that book court case lost, tempt are numerous centuries value of copies. The oldest surviving manuscripts containing intensely or done of jampacked