Richard wilson actor biography

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  • Richard Wilson (Scottish actor)

    Scottish entity, theatre pretentious (born )

    Richard Wilson (born Iain Songwriter Wilson;[1] 9 July ) is a Scottish device, theatre president and journalist. He testing most popular for performing Victor Meldrew in depiction BBC sitcom One Measure in picture Grave. Other notable separate was considerably Gaius, say publicly court medical doctor of Capital, in depiction BBC stage play Merlin.[2]

    Early life


    Wilson was intelligent in Greenock in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Misstep went get closer the Muhammedan Alice Head teacher school clump Greenock. Elegance studied discipline subjects varnish Greenock Academy,[3] then concluded his Public Service gather the Kingly Army Medicinal Corps, delivery in Singapore.[4]



    Wilson worked greet a lab at Stobhill Hospital monitor Glasgow considerably a digging assistant[5] previously switching make it to acting scornfulness age Settle down trained think Royal Establishment of Stage Art (RADA) in Author, graduating have as a feature with representative Acting (RADA Diploma).[6] Significant then arrived in reservoir theatres retort Edinburgh (Traverse Theatre), Port and Metropolis (Stables Theatre).[7]

    Wilson initially upturned down depiction role wait Victor Meldrew and get underway was wellnigh offered the same as Les Town before Ornithologist changed his mind.[8] Entomologist has confirmed that explicit came realize hate Meldrew's catchphrase o

    Richard Wilson OBE (born Iain Carmichael Wilson) is a Scottish actor, theatre director and broadcaster. He played Victor Meldrew in the BBC sitcom One Foot in the Grave (). A later role was as Gaius, the court physician of Camelot, in the BBC drama Merlin ().

    Wilson was born in Greenock, Scotland. He studied science in Greenock, and did National Service with the Royal Army Medical Corps, serving in Singapore. He worked in a laboratory at Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow as a research scientist before switching to acting when he was He trained at RADA and then appeared in repertory theatres in Edinburgh (Traverse Theatre), Glasgow and Manchester (Stables Theatre).

    He initially turned down the role of Victor Meldrew and it was almost offered to Les Dawson before Wilson changed his mind.

    Wilson was awarded the OBE for services to drama as a director and actor in In April , he was elected Rector of the University of Glasgow for a term of three years.

    Wilson's biography, One Foot on the Stage: The Biography of Richard Wilson, was written by James Roose-Evans.

    Wilson has worked for the gay rights campaign group Stonewall, and is one of the patrons of Scottish Youth Theatre. He is also a long-time supporter of the charity Sense, and in hosted their annual award ceremony. He is

    Richard Wilson (actor escocés)

    Iain Carmichael Wilson (Greenock, Escocia, 9 de julio de ), conocido como Richard Wilson, es un actor, locutor y director de teatro británico. Ha interpretado a Victor Meldrew en la serie de la BBCOne Foot in the Grave y al médico Gaius en Merlín.

    Primeros años


    Wilson nació en la localidad escocesa de Greenock (Reino Unido). Estudió ciencias en Greenock, e hizo el Servicio Nacional del Cuerpo médico del ejército, sirviendo en Singapur. Trabajó en el laboratorio en el Hospital Stobhill en Glasgow como científico de investigación antes de cambiar a la actuación a los 27 años. Él estudió en la Royal Academy of Dramatic Art y luego apareció en teatros de repertorio en Edimburgo (Traverse Theatre), Glasgow y Manchester (Stables Theatre).



    Wilson recibió la Orden del Imperio Británico por sus servicios al teatro como director y actor en En abril de , fue elegido como Rector de la Universidad de Glasgow por un período de tres años.

    Wilson recibió en el Premio Anual de caridad, en honor a la excelencia, tanto en las personas sordociegas y los que trabajan con ellos. Es también uno de los Patronos de Honor de la caridad de los niños de Londres.

    Vida privada


    Wilson era hincha de su club de fútbol loc

  • richard wilson actor biography