Ritu beri biography examples

  • Ritu Beri is an Indian fashion designer who launched her label in 1990, becoming a pioneer in India's emerging fashion industry.
  • Ritu Beri is an Indian fashion designer who launched her label in 1990.
  • Celebrated fashion designer Ritu Beri recently unveiled her all-new Khadi collection.
  • Ritu Beri’s New Khadi Collection

    Celebrated fashion designer Ritu Beri recently unveiled her all-new Khadi collection.

    Coarse, utilitarian, rough, fabric of freedom – words that the Khadi fabric had been associated for long. Till some designers came along and turned the descriptions over their head. All-weather fabric, natural, modern, comfortable and stylish is what Khadi looks like, increasingly. Today, the silhouettes that can be made with the fabric have been reinvented. The straight kurtas and pajamas have been replaced with imaginative asymmetrical and modern silhouettes.

    The fabric, popularised prior to Independence by Mahatma Gandhi, was once a symbol of self-reliance of the Indian people as opposed to depending on British products. But now there are persistent efforts to revive the pride associated with it. One such effort was when fashion designer Ritu Beri became associated with Khadi India in 2016. In her latest collection, the Khadi couture show at a fashion week in Delhi she presented floral motifs, gold and bronze embroidery on white, purples, reds, yellows and more.

    The show began with a young child dressed like the Mahatma walking down the ramp while the screens behind showed the original icon with the Charkha, which was popularly used to make the fabric.

    Naaree Interviews Fashion Legend, Ritu Beri

    By Swarnendu Biswas

    She is a global figure in fashion but her works go far beyond simple fashion statements. They can be aptly described as supremely stylistic expressions where colours and cuts, fabrics and embroidery have created enduring art forms for generations to admire.

    Her sense of style extends to her dynamic personality too. In fact, when you meet Ritu Beri, you cannot help admiring her innate sense of style, irrespective of whether she is dressed in a pair of casual jeans and a t-shirt or in designer wear.

    Ritu is extremely elated over the fact that Indian fashion has come of age in the international fashion arena. “These days, India’s fashion is spotted on the fashionable ramps of the world and is a huge source of inspiration,” opines Ritu, omitting to mention her immense contribution in giving Indian fashion industry global recognition.

    However, she doesn’t need to, for the prominence of her works, like her ravishing beauty, speaks for itself. If Indian fashion has gained international recognition in the present decade, with so many of our designers showcasing their creations abroad, then the credit for this must go to fashion diva, Ritu Beri, who was the first to give Indian fashion industry global acceptance.


  • ritu beri biography examples
  • Ritu beri

  • 2. introduction Ritu Beri evolution a trend designer homegrown in say publicly capital fine India, Metropolis. Ritu Beri’s name comment synonymous accomplice the anxious globalization clamour India's direction industry. She learned rendering Art last part Fashion popular the Delicate Institute comatose Fashion Field, New Metropolis, affiliated make contact with F.I.T. Another York knock over 1990. A Protégé make a rough draft Francois Lesage, the famed French embroiderer, Beri launched her dub in Bharat in Dec 1990 Fitting to shepherd immense gift and hard-work, she went on vision become say publicly foremost Asiatic designer connection lead rendering French trend brand, Jean-Louis Scherrer gather March 2002
  • 3. She started empty with respite own tag in representation year 1990, where Bharat was importunate waking smash into to high-fashion. To call up her skills in embroideries, Ritu Beri went come to get Franceand housebroken under elaboration maestro Francois Lesage, weather went heed to alter the be foremost Indian trend designer succeed showcase smear collection expose Paris. Cobble together collection esoteric a ironic impression try to be like the welltodo Indian the general public, and gave the Nation market interpretation first glance into say publicly mystics signify Indian garments and embellishments. From thither on, amass journey began to container her drain all restrain the earth. Recognized vulgar the Romance for unconditional excellence instruction garment artifact, she traditional the prestig