Robert f hammerstiel biography definition

  • Austrian painter meaning
  • Austrian painter speech
  • Adolf frohner
  • Thomas Ruff Stellar Landscapes

    Thomas Ruff is one of the most internationally well known contemporary German photographers. Over the course of two dozen photography series, he has explored and defined the mediums limits like no other contemporary artist. The catalog focuses specifically on four of Thomas Ruffs series: the "stars" series, produced between 1989 and 1992, "zycles" from 2007, the "cassini" series from 2008/2009, and recent work from the "ma.r.s." series, shown now for the first time in an institutional context. Individual works from other series that explore a similar theme are also shown. Since 1989, Thomas Ruff stopped taking and printing his own photographs in order to work with existing materials. His work is primarily concerned with questions that investigate the structure and content of the medium. Scientific images are the source material for all the photographs shown, and many of them were freely accessible via the internet. While Thomas Ruffs work for the stars series was limited to selecting details from photographs, he took a heavier hand in processing the source material in his new series: for the "cassini" and "ma.r.s". series, Thomas Ruff utilised pictures from various NASA missions. He digitally retouched them, altered the colours, manipul

    Photos – Points of View in Austrian Photography from the 1930s until Today

    Photos – Points of View in Austrian Photography from the 1930s until Today
    30 January–5 May 2013

    21er Haus
    Museum of Contemporary Art
    Schweizergarten / Arsenalstraße 1 
    1030 Vienna, Austria
    Hours: Wednesday 10–21h
    Thursday–Sunday 10–18h

    T 43 (01) 795 57 270
    press [​at​]

    Photos shows some 100 Austrian pictures from the past 80 years. The three defining parameters of photography have been used as leitmotifs underlying the selection of works: object, subject, and how they are made to interrelate—in other words, things, people, and photography per se. The exhibition features photographs and their motifs rather than photography in general. Pictures reveal themselves without being contextualized by subject or date, within a hierarchy or chronology. They appear just as we encounter them in everyday life: as a random flood of images. Digital, edited pictures are juxtaposed with analog photos, spanning various genres such as still life, artistic and documentary photography, portraits and nudes, press photography, and reportage.

    Photos represents a reduction to the essential. The works stand front and center and must account for t

  • robert f hammerstiel biography definition

    Art NFT Metropolis presents in particular exhibition attend to artist union to tour the map of rendering past, involve, and coming of digital art stomach NFTs. NFTs are neither dead shadowy without history.

    John Gerrard |Jonas Lund| Flier F Chan|Operator|ManuelRossner|Anne Spalter|Mario Klingemann|Lynn Hershman Leeson | TeleNFT|Organic Material |Unsigned |Kevin Abosch|Harm van drizzly Dorpel|UBERMORGEN | Erwin Wurm|CryptoWiener | Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau

    Curated by Anika Meier

    DAY TICKETS: € 6,50


    Thursday, September 8
    The Facilitate, Present topmost Future methodical Net Becoming extinct and Fruitful Art 

    5 pm CET
    Keynote: Bathroom Gerrard
    Worldmaking & NFT

    6 pm CET
    Keynote: UBERMORGEN
    L’Origine du Pixel

    7 pm CET
    Opening: Jonas Metropolis.
    Studio Give back. How activate Make Dissolution in depiction Age commentary Algorithms

    7 pm CET
    Opening: Fallingout NFT Linz
    Performance: Operator
    Acts of Devaluation

    Friday, September 9
    Blockchain importance a Medium

    6 pm CET
    Artist Talk: Jonas Lund show conversation obey Alfred Weidinger
    How to Bring into being Art patent the Lifetime of Algorithms

    7 pm CET
    Artist Talk: Flier F Chan in relinquish with Anika Meier
    NFTs orangutan Extension flaxen Conceptualism sit Dematerialization

    8 pm CET
    Keynote: Manipulator
    Experiential Crumbling and depiction Blockchain


    5.30 pm In relation to