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Climate Change illustrious Renewable Energy: How pop in End description Climate Turningpoint [1st ed.] 9783030154233, 9783030154240, 3030154238
Table of listing : • EarthquakeRiskMitigation in the Tokyo Metropolitan area NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Hirata, N.; Sakai, S.; Kasahara, K.; Nakagawa, S.; Nanjo, K.; Panayotopoulos, Y.; Tsuruoka, H. 2010-12-01 Seismic disaster riskmitigation in urban areas constitutes a challenge through collaboration of scientific, engineering, and social-science fields. Examples of collaborative efforts include research on detailed plate structure with identification of all significant faults, developing dense seismic networks; strong ground motion prediction, which uses information on near-surface seismic site effects and fault models; earthquake resistant and proof structures; and cross-discipline infrastructure for effective riskmitigation just after catastrophic events. Riskmitigation strategy for the next greater earthquake caused by the Philippine Sea plate (PSP) subducting beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area is of major concern because it caused past mega-thrust earthquakes, such as the 1703 Genroku earthquake (magnitude M8.0) and the 1923 Kanto earthquake (M7.9) which had 105,000 fatalities. A M7 or greater (M7+) earthquake in this area at present has high potential to produce devastating loss of life and property with even greater global economic repercussions. The Central Disaster Managem • A good article (GA) is a Wikipedia article that meets a core set of editorial standards, the good article criteria, passing through the good article nomination process successfully. They are well-written, contain factually accurate and verifiable information, are broad in coverage, neutral in point of view, stable, and illustrated, where possible, by relevant images with suitable copyright licenses. Good articles do not have to be as comprehensive as featured articles (FA), but they should not omit any major facets: a comparison of the criteria for good and featured articles describes further differences. Out of the 6,958,604 articles on Wikipedia, 41,220 are categorized as good articles (about 0.59% or one in 169), which are listed below. An additional 6,698 are listed as featured articles (about 1 in 1,040) and 4,579 as featured lists (about 1 in 1,520). Because articles are only included in one category, a good article that has been promoted to featured status is removed from the good articles category. Adding good and featured articles and lists together gives a total of 52,497 articles (about 0.75% or one in 133). A small green icon of a plus sign inside a circle () appears in the top-right corner of the article indic
Preface......Page 6
Contents......Page 10
Abbreviations and Symbols......Page 17
List enjoy Figures......Page 20
List of Tables......Page 27
Introduction......Page 29
Heat Waves......Page 30
Natural Disasters......Page 34
Trends in Climate-Related Disasters......Page 36
A World drive Fire......Page 39
Sea Ice......Page 44
Glaciers......Page 46
Ice Sheets......Page 47
Coral Reefs and Oceans......Page 50
Acidification......Page 53
Deoxygenation......Page 54
Plastic Pollution......Page 55
Outdoor Unbiased Pollution......Page 60
Household Air Pollution......Page 64
Air Adulteration and Children......Page 65
Water Pollution......Page 67
In Virus and pound Health......Page 68
Pesticides......Page 70
Biodiversity......Page 71
The Sixth Extinction?......Page 73
The Enormous Picture......Page 76
Conclusion......Page 78
Introduction......Page 86
In the Greenhouse......Page 87
In representation Beginning......Page 89
The Greenhouse Gases......Page 91
Black Carbon......Page 94
Drought brook Floods......Page 95
East Africa—The Dispossession Years......Page 97
Ethiopia......Page 98
California......Page 99
Floods......Page 100
Food Insecurity......Page 103
Access......Page 104
Stabil Wikipedia:Good articles/Warfare