Mirzo tursunzoda biography of martin

  • The meeting was chaired by Mirzo Tursunzoda, a rising Tajik writer and Party member, who would come to play an immense role in the political and cultural life.
  • From the Soviet Tajik side of these exchanges, Mirzo Tursunzoda was a powerful and influential cultural diplomat, serving as Director of.
  • This article offers an overview of Soviet Tajik Fiction under Stalinism (1920s–1950s) and during de-Stalinization (1950s–1970s) by contemplating the move.
  • Introduction

    Abdullah Fevziye, 1948, “Ferhâd rebuke Şirin” [Farhād and Shīrīn], Islam Ansiklopedisi, Vol. 4, Istanbul: Maarif Matbaası, pp. 565-567.

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    Aliev G.Û., 1960, Legenda o Khosrove i Širin v literaturakh narodov Vostoka [The Folk tale of Khusraw and Shīrīn in picture Literatures conjure the Peoples of description East], Moscow: Izdatel’stvo vostočnoj literatury.

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    Allworth Edward, 1964, Uzbek Legendary Politics, London: Mouton & Co.

    ‘Aynī Ṣadr al-Dīn, 1926, Namūna-yi Adabiyāt-i Tājīk [A Sampler domination Tajik Literature], Moscow: Chāpkhāna-yi nashriyāt-i markazī.

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  • mirzo tursunzoda biography of martin
  • National poet

    Country (or region) Poet Sources  AlbaniaGjergj Fishta, Naim Frashëri[110][111] AbkhaziaDmitry Gulia[112] ArmeniaHovhannes Tumanyan, Sayat-Nova, Yeghishe Charents[113][114][115] AustriaFranz Grillparzer ,Johann Nepomuk Nestroy, Georg Trakl, Rainer Maria Rilke[116][117][118] AzerbaijanNizami Ganjavi, Fuzûlî, Imadaddin Nasimi, Samad Vurgun[119][120][121] BashkortostanRami Garipov, Mustai Karim[122][123][124] Basque CountryBernard Etxepare[125] BelarusYanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas[126][127] BelgiumEmile Verhaeren, Maurice Maeterlinck[128][129] CataloniaAusiàs March, Jacint Verdaguer[130][131] ChechnyaIsmail Kerimov[132] Bosnia and HerzegovinaAbdulah Sidran, Mak Dizdar, Izet Sarajlić[133][134] BrittanyThéodore Claude Henri, vicomte Hersart de la Villemarqué[135] BulgariaHristo Botev, Ivan Vazov[136][137]

    3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan

    Bashiri, Iraj. "3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan". The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan, Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press, 2020, pp. 88-138. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781644692882-003

    Bashiri, I. (2020). 3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan. In The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan (pp. 88-138). Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781644692882-003

    Bashiri, I. 2020. 3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan. The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press, pp. 88-138. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781644692882-003

    Bashiri, Iraj. "3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan" In The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan, 88-138. Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781644692882-003

    Bashiri I. 3. The Sovietization of Tajikistan. In: The History of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press; 2020. p.88-138. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781644692882-003

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