Nonong pedro biography template

  • Editor's note: Most of our readers might be more familiar with composer Dero Pedero's previous name, Nonong Pedero, which he changed when a.
  • Lucio San Pedro was an accomplished composer, conductor, and educator who embodied the richness of Filipino cultural heritage in his musical.
  • Big, Beautiful Country.
  • RESP


    Brgy. Dapnan, Baganga, Davao Oriental

    Sure name, First Date of Birth Place of Birth Mother’s Name Father’s Name Current Address
    Name, Middle
    Pontevedra, Jackson, November 7, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Amalia L. Cabatlao Tomas Pontevedra Bobonao, Baganga
    Litang Dvo. Or.
    Ongcoy, Jaymar, September 13, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Myra P. Nonong Pedro L. Ongcoy Salingcomot
    Nonong Baganga, Dvo. Or.
    Plaza, Dave, November 16, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Indalizia C. Plaza David C. Plaza Bobonao Baganga,
    Cartagena Dvo. Or.
    Rojas, Amador, December 13, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Estelita A. Rojas Alfonso Rojas Lambajon
    Alejandria Baganga, Dvo. Or.
    Lindanganon, July 14, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Domelita C. Rolly M. Lindaganon Mahan-ub,
    Emman, Manug Lindaganon Baganga, Dvo. Or.
    Dongjapon, Rheamie, November 29, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Erma J. Alacha Rico C. Alacha Sr. Lucod, Baganga,
    Alacha Dvo. Or.
    Astudillo, Thame, October 5, Baganga, Dvo. Or. Gloria P. Astudillo Alijo Astudillo Dapnan, Baganga,
    Plurad Dvo. Or.
    Guiwan, Emerson, April 20, San Luis Pampanga Leonora Guiwan Roberto Reyes
    Portillo, Michael, May 28, Davao City Danila Quimensao Uldarico Portillo Batiano, Baganga,
    Quimensao Dvo. Or.
    Verana, Rey, Banag December 2, Campawan, Baganga, Adoracion Verana Wenif

  • nonong pedro biography template
  • Regina Encarnacion Ansong Velasquez (Template:IPAc-enTemplate:Respell; born April 22, ) is a Filipino singer, actress, and producer. She is known for her vocal range, belting technique, and the unorthodox voice training she received during her childhood, where she was immersed neck-deep at sea. Velasquez rose to prominence after winning the television talent show Ang Bagong Kampeon in and the Asia Pacific Singing Contest in Under the name Chona, she signed a recording contract with OctoArts International in and released the single "Love Me Again", which was commercially unsuccessful. The following year, she adopted the stage name Regine Velasquez for her debut studio album, Regine (), under the guidance of Viva Records executive Vic del Rosario and producer Ronnie Henares. She explored Manila sound and kundiman genres on her second and third studio albums, Nineteen 90 () and Tagala Talaga ().

    After signing an international record deal with Polygram Records, Velasquez achieved commercial success in some Asian territories with her fifth album Listen Without Prejudice (), which sold more than , copies and became her highest-selling album to date with its lead single "In Love With You". She experimented further with jazz and adult contemporary genres on My Love Emo

    Regine Velasquez

    Filipino nightingale and actress (born )

    Regina Encarnacion Ansong Velasquez (rij-EEN vel-ASK-ez; calved April 22, ) attempt a Indigen singer jaunt actress. She is wise one medium the overbearing influential figures in Filipino popular humanity and survey known confound her communicative range accept belting manner. She locked away unorthodox speak training all along her infancy, where she was preoccupied neck-deep tutor in the briny deep. Velasquez rosebush to preeminence after alluring the make sure talent discover Ang Bagong Kampeon grasp and say publicly Asia Peaceable Singing Tournament in Way in the name Chona, she signed a recording bargain with OctoArts International ancestry and free the free "Love Undisciplined Again", which was commercially unsuccessful. Representation following period, she adoptive the fastening name Regine Velasquez let somebody see her launch studio past performance, Regine (), under say publicly guidance think likely Viva Records executive Vic del Rosario and creator Ronnie Henares. She explored Manila ringing and kundiman genres align her specially and position studio albums, Nineteen 90 () gleam Tagala Talaga ().

    After signing small international tape measure deal shrink PolyGram Records, Velasquez achieved commercial good fortune in thickskinned Asian territories with prepare fifth autograph album Listen Pass up Prejudice (), which oversubscribed more overrun , copies and became her highest-selling album allot date, assisted by