Quiroga horacio biography of abraham

  • Horacio Quiroga (b.
  • In sum, the appearance of the primal fantastic in the modernist period is anomalous, if it can be said to appear at all.
  • En 1900, se fundó la Revista de Salto.
  • 7 best short stories by Horacio Quiroga

    Welcome to the 7 Best Short Stories book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. This edition is dedicated to the uruguayan author Horacio Quiroga.

    Horacio Quiroga was a playwright, poet, and short-story writer. He wrote stories which, in their jungle settings, used the supernatural and the bizarre to show the struggle of man and animal to survive. He also excelled in portraying mental illness and hallucinatory states, a skill he gleaned from Edgar Allan Poe, according to some critics. His influence can be seen in the Latin American magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez and the postmodern surrealism of Julio Cortázar.

    Works selected for this book:
    - How the Rays Defended the Ford;
    - The Story of Two Raccoon Cubs and Two Man Cubs;
    - The Parrot That Lost Its Tail;
    - The Blind Doe;
    - The Alligator War;
    - How the Flamingoes Got Their Stockings;
    - The Giant Tortoise's Golden Rule.

    If you appreciate good literature, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!

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    This antiquarian unspoiled contains a detailed don insightful biogr

    Quiroga, Horacio (1878–1937)

    Horacio Quiroga (b. 31 December 1878; d. 19 February 1937), Uruguayan writer and one of Spanish America's greatest narrators. Quiroga was born in Salto; his father died in a hunting accident when he was three months old. Quiroga's life had more than its share of violent personal tragedies—his stepfather and one of his two wives committed suicide and Quiroga killed one of his best friends in a gun accident—which explains his interest in death and the monstrous. His earliest literary influence was Edgar Allan Poe.

    Quiroga attended the University of Montevideo for a short time. In 1903 he went to Misiones, the following year to the Argentine Chaco. When the farming venture failed, he went to Buenos Aires, taught school, and married. In 1915 his wife committed suicide. During the ensuing decade, he wrote some of his best stories, including Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (1917), the haunting Cuentos de la selva (1918; South American Jungle Tales, 1941), and Los desterrados (1926); he also published in the journal Caras y Caretas.

    To make ends meet, he served as Uruguay's consul in Buenos Aires from 1917 to 1926, and he married again in 1927. In 1932 he returned to San Ignacio, Misiones, with his second wife and children as Urug

  • quiroga horacio biography of abraham