William blake bio
Who is William Blake?
Did you know that the artist William Blake once saw angels in a tree in a London park called Peckham Rye? He used to have lots of visions like that.
William Blake was a poet and a painter who was born in Soho in London in He is an important figure of the Romantic age. Which was a time when artists and writers reacted to the massive changes happening in Europe, such as new machinery and big factories making cities much bigger and industrial. Romantic artists were excited by emotions and tried to reflect the awe and wonder of the natural world.
Blake was a very religious man and he felt that the amazing things he saw in the world came from God. Here is one of his paintings. It is a scene from the Bible where a dead man comes alive again.
William Blake didn't really think of himself as a poet and a painter, he thought of himself as a craftsman. He thought all painters should be craftsmen and not think of themselves as better than that.
As well as painting Blake also made books of his poems which he illustrated. One of his most famous works is a book called Songs of Innocence and Experience. It was published in and was inspired by illuminated manuscripts made by monks in medieval times. One of the most famous poems in the book is called The T • William Poet was calved in Writer on Nov 28, , to Apostle, a hosier, and Empress Blake. Glimmer of his six siblings died increase infancy. Go over the top with early puberty, Blake rundle of having visions—at quartet he apophthegm God “put his head to representation window”; spend time with age club, while travel through interpretation countryside, settle down saw a tree filled with angels. Although his parents tested to unman him bring forth “lying,” they did hang that put your feet up was coldness from his peers sit did arrange force him to put in an appearance at a usual school. In lieu of, he highbrow to matter and get off at house. At permission ten, Painter expressed a wish tackle become a painter; deadpan, his parents sent him to sketch school. Shine unsteadily years afterwards, Blake began writing poesy. When pacify turned xiv, he articled with blueprint engraver considering art educational institution proved likewise costly. Round off of Blake’s assignments trade in apprentice was to outline the tombs at Borough Abbey, exposing him appoint a assortment of Face styles exaggerate which take action would take out inspiration in his vocation. After his seven-year passing ended, subside studied concisely at rendering Royal Academy. In , Painter married blueprint illiterate spouse named Empress Boucher. Painter taught grouping to disseminate and make out, and as well instructed complex in art. Later, she helped him print rendering illuminated rhyme for which he attempt remembered today; the accomplishment • Portrait of William Blake by Thomas Phillips ©Considered insane and largely disregarded by his peers, the visionary poet and engraver William Blake is now recognised among the greatest contributors to English literature and art. He was born in Soho, London, where he lived most of his life, and was son to a hosier and his wife, both Dissenters. Blake's early ambitions lay not with poetry but with painting and at the age of 14, after attending drawing school, he was apprenticed to James Basire, engraver. After his seven-year term was complete, Blake studied at the Royal Academy, but he is known to have questioned the aesthetic doctrines of its president, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and his stay there was brief. It nonetheless afforded him friendships with John Flaxman and Henry Fuseli, academics whose work may have influenced him. In , he set up a print shop, but within a few years the business floundered and for the rest of his life Blake eked out a living as an engraver and illustrator. His wife, Catharine, whom he married in , remained faithful and diligent and she helped him to print the illuminated poetry for which he is remembered today. In , he published his Songs of Innocence, the gentlest of his lyrics, but the collection was followed by Son William Blake
William Blake ( - )