Ulderico capucci biography for kids

  • La formazione nella società della conoscenza.
  • Capucci, Roberto.
  • AI-generated Abstract.
  • Learn how to learn : knowledge society, education and training

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    La formazione nella società della conoscenza

    Author/s Ulderico Capucci
    Publishing Year 2006 Issue 2006/103
    Language Italian Pages 23 P.File size 60 KB
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    Training in the knowledge society In the society of knowledge, in knowledge arrangement, the organizational learning is more important than individual one. In the web structure society and in the processual organization, all the remarkable achievements do not result from a single subject but from the integrative relations. In the society of knowledge the training process, even if with all the relevance we want and we must assign, plays a modest role within the wider range of studies, tools and paths, with which the organizations learn. The training contributes to the creation of collective and individual competencies, bo

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